
Topic: BERNIE SANDERS, WEIRDO IN CHIEF - page 3. (Read 41802 times)

Activity: 3752
Merit: 1217
May 31, 2016, 01:05:46 AM
My concern about Sanders is that he might be able to be convinced that a 'one world government' would result in the kind of socialist utopia he dreams of.  I've heard various people who are hard left and possibly even communist blame the West for ruining the promise of the Soviet Union's more advanced (in their eyes) political system.

The entire American economy is based on Capitalism, and it is not possible to transform it to a Socialist-based one. Even if Sanders becomes the POTUS, he will not be able to change the system. The US is not France, where a 75% tax on the uber-rich can be imposed. There will be riots and Sanders will be impeached in a matter of days. At the most, Sanders will be able to get a few minor things done, such as rising the minimum wages and providing healthcare to everyone. He will not be able to create his socialist utopia. And the armed forces are not going to back him, if he does not restrain himself.
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
May 30, 2016, 11:02:02 PM
Sanders would have been the most sensible candidate for presidency. Wouldn't he?
No.  A guy like that could easily be convinced to start military actions, basing his decisions ideologically instead of on practical grounds.

I don't think that Sanders is a warmonger, at least when compared to Hitlery. He has said that he is against invading third world nations, and intervening in the internal affairs of foreign nations. I don't know whether he will keep his word if he gets elected as the POTUS, but his foreign policy is much better than that of Hitlery.

My concern about Sanders is that he might be able to be convinced that a 'one world government' would result in the kind of socialist utopia he dreams of.  I've heard various people who are hard left and possibly even communist blame the West for ruining the promise of the Soviet Union's more advanced (in their eyes) political system.

I don't doubt that Sanders was at one time an 'Americans firster' but he might be able to be shifted.  If the military power of the U.S. was what it would take to create a uni-polar world, I could see him playing his role as president to help the project along.  Of course he and his followers would be discarded like a jiz-rag when their work was complete.

Activity: 3752
Merit: 1217
May 30, 2016, 10:48:24 PM
Sanders would have been the most sensible candidate for presidency. Wouldn't he?
No.  A guy like that could easily be convinced to start military actions, basing his decisions ideologically instead of on practical grounds.

I don't think that Sanders is a warmonger, at least when compared to Hitlery. He has said that he is against invading third world nations, and intervening in the internal affairs of foreign nations. I don't know whether he will keep his word if he gets elected as the POTUS, but his foreign policy is much better than that of Hitlery.
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
May 30, 2016, 06:50:17 PM

Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
May 29, 2016, 01:20:47 PM
Sanders would have been the most sensible candidate for presidency. Wouldn't he?
No.  A guy like that could easily be convinced to start military actions, basing his decisions ideologically instead of on practical grounds.
Activity: 1414
Merit: 1000
May 29, 2016, 01:16:07 PM
Sanders would have been the most sensible candidate for presidency. Wouldn't he?
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
May 28, 2016, 10:15:10 PM

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
May 28, 2016, 04:04:15 PM

Telemundo Stages Protesters At #NeverTrump Protest In San Diego

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
May 27, 2016, 01:38:21 PM
Sanders Superdelegates Unnerved by Nevada Convention Chaos

Quote from: Brendan Bordelon
Concerns about party unity are on the increase. In the wake of Bernie Sanders’s latest dustup with the Democratic establishment, some of his supporters are blanching.

“He talks about a revolution, but he needs to maybe define that in ways of civility, you know?” says Pete Gertonson, a Sanders superdelegate from Idaho. “He needs to get a grip on things and show us that he’s a leader. Is he gonna be the leader of an angry mob that he can’t control, or is he going to be the leader of something that will grow?”
After last weekend’s violent Nevada state Democratic convention – where Bernie Sanders supporters shouted down speakers, threw chairs, and made death threats against the state party chairwoman for her supposed pro–Hillary Clinton bias – national party leaders widely expected the Vermont senator to condemn such behavior.

The Sanders campaign instead issued a scorched-earth statement after the convention’s close, blasting Democratic leadership in Nevada and across the nation while offering just a single line condemning “any and all forms of violence.” The senator also dodged a question from an NBC reporter, abruptly ending an interview when asked if he had a response to the violent behavior displayed by his supporters.

Sanders’s defiance hit a nerve, uniting leaders across the Democratic establishment in their condemnation of his response. “I thought he was going to do something different,” Senate minority leader Harry Reid said later on Tuesday. “Bernie should say something and not have some silly statement. Bernie is better than that.” DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz said it “added more fuel to the fire.” Democratic senator Dianne Feinstein worried that the party could face the same kind of paralyzing unrest it experienced during the 1968 Chicago convention.

And Sanders’s supporters aren’t exactly rallying to his defense. Almost none of his high-profile surrogates, save Arizona congressman Raul Grijalva, have publicly backed his stance. And some of his own superdelegates seem hesitant to support the senator’s continued intransigence; most are concerned over the effect further angry outbursts could have on party unity. Many Sanders superdelegates appear loath to discuss the Nevada turmoil. Calls to several Sanders-supporting congressional offices went unreturned or were politely rebuffed, and one state party committeewoman says she won’t speak about the issue until after her upcoming reelection.

Others are refusing to take sides....

And have a looky at this quote: '“I think a lot of this is really overblown,” says Rich Cassidy, a Sanders superdelegate from Vermont. “There are millions of people supporting Bernie Sanders, and some of them have extreme views and extreme ways of expressing their views. And you can’t be held accountable for what the most extreme people who happen to be your supporters do.”'
^^^Take it away, folks. Wink

The thing you may not know is bernie sanders has a very bad temper. The berniebots represent him very well. He does not know how to keep his cool when he loses it. He wants a total chaos because, as a good leftist he is, he believes he will be the one raising from the carnage like a phoenix in the end.

No, he will not disavow his berniebots and their mischievousness.

Bernie Sanders was "Unbelievably Abusive" to Employees
"They say I can be a real son of a bitch. They say I can be nasty"

 This is typical enough. Ralph Nader and Michael Moore both generated plenty of horror stories from the people who worked for them. Working for lefties is a miserable experience.

    Though Sanders has spent much of his life fighting for working Vermonters, they say he mistreats the people working for him.

    "As a supervisor, he was unbelievably abusive," says one former campaign staffer, who claims to have endured frequent verbal assaults. The double standard was clear: "He did things that, if he found out that another supervisor was doing in a workplace, he would go after them. You can't treat employees that way."

Do as I say, not as I do is typical on the left. Bernie Sanders cares about working people the way Ted Kennedy cared about women. And here's what it was like working for Bernie.

    Criticism of Sanders' leadership abilities is nothing new. Steve Rosenfeld, a former Vermont journalist who served as Sanders' press secretary during his 1990 House campaign, wrote a book about his first successful statewide bid. In Making History in Vermont, Rosenfeld levels a tough assessment at his former boss, who passed him over for a congressional job at the campaign's end.

    "At his best, Sanders is a skilled reader and manipulator of people and events," Rosenfeld wrote. "At his worst, he falls prey to his own emotions, is unable to practice what he preaches (though he would believe otherwise) and exudes a contempt for those he derides, including his staff."

    Rosenfeld quotes Sanders himself in the book as saying, "Some people say I am very hard to work with. They say I can be a real son of a bitch. They say I can be nasty, I don't know how to get along with people. Well, maybe there's some truth to it."

FACT CHECK: Mostly True. Also working for Bernie Sanders was a lot like working for a crazy celebrity.

    Even outside his staff, Sanders is well known in Vermont as a serious micromanager. Stories are legion of his calls to campaign aides en route to events to harangue them about the number of hot dogs and buns they'd bought.

    According to Sanders' former Senate staffer, his tendency to micromanage often hobbled the office's work.

    "Everything was done at the last second," that person said. "He made all the decisions."

Clearly the guy you want running the country.

Fact checked. By bernie himself.


Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
May 26, 2016, 12:12:45 PM

Gun Violence at Bernie Sanders Supporter’s Concert

A New York City concert by Bernie Sanders supporter T.I. turned violent before the rapper even got on stage as gunshots killed one and injured three, according to reports.

The incident started backstage where the rappers performing in acts before T.I. were gathered but spread onto the main stage causing panic at the concert venue, according to the New York Post.

    The carnage began in the green room of the Union Square venue at about 10 p.m. while the opening act — rappers Maino and Uncle Murda — were performing, according to law-enforcement sources.

    The gunplay then spilled into the area near the stage, causing panic among more than 1,000 rap fans packed into the music hall. […]

    The mayhem began after a fight erupted in a limited-access section on the seventh floor — before spreading to the second floor, where the shooting took place outside the green room, a police source said.

    More than 1,000 people were in the house at the time, including rapper T.I., the source said.

T.I. announced his support for Sanders earlier this year, basing the decision on rival Hillary Clinton’s comments about “super-predators.”

Rapper 50 Cent, a vocal Clinton supporter, knew one of the women who was shot and visited her in the hospital. “What’s happened here is not good,” 50 said.

New York City Police Commissioner Bill Bratton blamed the shooting on “so-called rap artists who are basically thugs.”

“The crazy world of the so-called rap artists who are basically thugs that basically celebrate the violence … and unfortunately that violence often times manifests itself during their performances and that’s exactly what happened last evening,” Bratton said.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
May 26, 2016, 10:52:05 AM

Game on. I look forward to debating Donald Trump in California before the June 7 primary.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
May 25, 2016, 11:05:56 PM

Question: What's wrong with sanders?

Donald Trump said Wednesday that an inspector general’s finding that Hillary Clinton’s email broke State Department rules was “not good,” and he renewed his attack on the former Cabinet official as “crooked.”

But Sen. Bernard Sanders, Mrs. Clinton’s first hurdle on her path to the White House, took a different path, signaling he would not use the devastating report to impugn the front-runner in the Democratic primary race.

“This is not something that needs to be kicked around the political arena,” Jeff Weaver, Mr. Sanders‘ campaign manager, told CNN just hours after the report was sent to Congress and began to leak to the press.

The inspector general concluded that Mrs. Clinton broke department rules by not storing the records, by not reporting attempted hacks of her server and by sending sensitive information over her own devices and through her server.

The report ricocheted around Capitol Hill, where Republicans said it was more evidence for her trying to bend the rules, even as Democrats said other State Department secretaries used personal email accounts — though not their own servers — to conduct government business.

“The inspector general’s report, not good,” Mr. Trump, the likely Republican nominee, said as he rallied supporters in Anaheim, California.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
May 25, 2016, 07:56:13 PM

There will be a massive amount of people lost in their mind (madhouse) when reality will hit them in the face.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
May 25, 2016, 07:35:12 PM

So even these guys have come out against that level of fantasy economics.

    Four former White House economic advisers are taking issue with a rosy economic analysis of Sanders' proposal that found that Sanders' plan would spur the U.S. economy to grow by 5.3% per year,median income to soar by more than $22,000, and the unemployment rate to fall to 3.8%.

And the unicorns will come out of the clouds and they will dance. And we will all dance with them. And then hug each other. And no one will want money anymore. #FeeltheBern

    Not so fast, wrote the economists, Alan Krueger, Austan Goolsbee, Christina Romer and Laura D'Andrea Tyson, who chaired the White House Council of Economic Advisers under Presidents Obama and Clinton in a letter addressed to Sanders and Friedman.

    "We are concerned to see the Sanders campaign citing extreme claims by Gerald Friedman about the effect of Senator Sanders's economic plan -- claims that cannot be supported by the economic evidence," the former chairs wrote. "As much as we wish it were so, no credible economic research supports economic impacts of these magnitudes."

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
May 25, 2016, 07:26:20 PM

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
May 25, 2016, 06:49:04 PM

LIVE Riot Police VS Protesters Anaheim California after Donald Trump Rally

Popcorn time...

You can rewind the video from the start.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
May 25, 2016, 09:53:19 AM
Quote from: Brendan Bordelon
After last weekend’s violent Nevada state Democratic convention – where Bernie Sanders supporters shouted down speakers, threw chairs, and made death threats against the state party chairwoman for her supposed pro–Hillary Clinton bias – national party leaders widely expected the Vermont senator to condemn such behavior.

And have a looky at this quote: '“I think a lot of this is really overblown,” says Rich Cassidy, a Sanders superdelegate from Vermont. “There are millions of people supporting Bernie Sanders, and some of them have extreme views and extreme ways of expressing their views. And you can’t be held accountable for what the most extreme people who happen to be your supporters do.”'
^^^Take it away, folks. Wink

He is right on the overblown part. Were chairs thrown? Was there violence? All the news sites said there was. But last I saw there was no evidence. No video or anything. Looks like the establishment didn't like being caught on tape rigging the system again and made that up to distract people.

The thing you may not know is bernie sanders has a very bad temper. The berniebots represent him very well. He does not know how to keep his cool when he loses it. He wants a total chaos because, as a good leftist he is, he believes he will be the one raising from the carnage like a phoenix in the end.

No, he will not disavow his berniebots and their mischievousness.

Didn't he do just that? And there is a difference between not keeping his cool and wanting total chaos. Where did you get the idea that is what he wants?

Proofs they are bernie senders supporters. Violent anti American thugs. TRUMP is a pretext to hit, and soon, kill.

Let's see if bernie will disavow his supporters before the DNC convention, after his full support to clinton's banksters...

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
May 25, 2016, 08:56:43 AM
Quote from: Brendan Bordelon
After last weekend’s violent Nevada state Democratic convention – where Bernie Sanders supporters shouted down speakers, threw chairs, and made death threats against the state party chairwoman for her supposed pro–Hillary Clinton bias – national party leaders widely expected the Vermont senator to condemn such behavior.

And have a looky at this quote: '“I think a lot of this is really overblown,” says Rich Cassidy, a Sanders superdelegate from Vermont. “There are millions of people supporting Bernie Sanders, and some of them have extreme views and extreme ways of expressing their views. And you can’t be held accountable for what the most extreme people who happen to be your supporters do.”'
^^^Take it away, folks. Wink

He is right on the overblown part. Were chairs thrown? Was there violence? All the news sites said there was. But last I saw there was no evidence. No video or anything. Looks like the establishment didn't like being caught on tape rigging the system again and made that up to distract people.

The thing you may not know is bernie sanders has a very bad temper. The berniebots represent him very well. He does not know how to keep his cool when he loses it. He wants a total chaos because, as a good leftist he is, he believes he will be the one raising from the carnage like a phoenix in the end.

No, he will not disavow his berniebots and their mischievousness.

Didn't he do just that? And there is a difference between not keeping his cool and wanting total chaos. Where did you get the idea that is what he wants?

Anti-Trump protests turn violent outside New Mexico rally

Albuquerque attorney Doug Antoon said rocks were flying through the convention center windows as he was leaving Tuesday night. Glass was breaking and landing near his feet.

"This was not a protest, this was a riot. These are hate groups," he said of the demonstrators.

Albuquerque police said several officers were treated for injuries after getting hit by rocks thrown by protesters. At least one person was arrested from the riot, police said.

During the rally, protesters outside overran barricades and clashed with police in riot gear. They also burned T-shirts and other items labeled with Trump's catchphrase, "Make America Great Again."


Mexican Flag-Waving Mob Attacks Police, Horses Outside Trump Rally [VIDEO]

Trump protesters smash door, break through barriers

Communist Anti-Trump Rioters Attack Police, Destroy Property in Albuquerque
Gunfire and arson reported

VIDEO: Protesters assault Trump supporter in wheelchair

No Donald Trump supporter is off limits to the leftists agitators — even a man in a wheelchair.

The Associated Press reports Trump supporters were “taunted” by the crowd outside the Albuquerque Convention Center on Tuesday evening.

Some protesters even threw water bottles and water at the Trump supporters as they walked along a sidewalk leading to the Albuquerque Convention Center.

Dereck Scott of Albuquerque was among those who were hit with a plastic bottle.

Scott, who is in a wheelchair, said the attack was unprovoked and unnecessary. He says he has a right to vote for the candidate he prefers.

Published on May 24, 2016

2016 Albuquerque Trump rally protesters. Flimed this and many other things while I was filming the protesters. Stay classy Albuquerque...

As I said... Let us wait for bernie to disavow all those losers before the DNC convention...

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
May 24, 2016, 10:51:49 PM
Quote from: Brendan Bordelon
After last weekend’s violent Nevada state Democratic convention – where Bernie Sanders supporters shouted down speakers, threw chairs, and made death threats against the state party chairwoman for her supposed pro–Hillary Clinton bias – national party leaders widely expected the Vermont senator to condemn such behavior.

And have a looky at this quote: '“I think a lot of this is really overblown,” says Rich Cassidy, a Sanders superdelegate from Vermont. “There are millions of people supporting Bernie Sanders, and some of them have extreme views and extreme ways of expressing their views. And you can’t be held accountable for what the most extreme people who happen to be your supporters do.”'
^^^Take it away, folks. Wink

He is right on the overblown part. Were chairs thrown? Was there violence? All the news sites said there was. But last I saw there was no evidence. No video or anything. Looks like the establishment didn't like being caught on tape rigging the system again and made that up to distract people.

The thing you may not know is bernie sanders has a very bad temper. The berniebots represent him very well. He does not know how to keep his cool when he loses it. He wants a total chaos because, as a good leftist he is, he believes he will be the one raising from the carnage like a phoenix in the end.

No, he will not disavow his berniebots and their mischievousness.

Didn't he do just that? And there is a difference between not keeping his cool and wanting total chaos. Where did you get the idea that is what he wants?

He wants his supporters to be troublemakers all the way, and beyond. Let's see if he'll ask them to keep calm before the DNC convention or not. If not, then you'll have your answer...

Something like this: "Our campaign has held giant rallies all across this country, including in high-crime areas, and there have been zero reports of violence. Our campaign of course believes in non-violent change and it goes without saying that I condemn any and all forms of violence, including the personal harassment of individuals. " Not the first time he said it. He isn't the one inciting supporters to be violent. That would be trump.

There is no violence at bernie's rallies because his thugs a busy elsewhere, bringing mayhem. That is why you do not see people screaming TRUMP, TRUMP at bernie's rallies either. But you see plenty of BERNIE! BERNIE! BERNIE!!, disturbing the peace everywhere else...

Anyone not living under a rock for the past few months knows about the berniebots.

There is no need for you to click on any of those links. I put them there out of respect for others reading this thread...

Activity: 1135
Merit: 1001
May 24, 2016, 10:18:06 PM
Quote from: Brendan Bordelon
After last weekend’s violent Nevada state Democratic convention – where Bernie Sanders supporters shouted down speakers, threw chairs, and made death threats against the state party chairwoman for her supposed pro–Hillary Clinton bias – national party leaders widely expected the Vermont senator to condemn such behavior.

And have a looky at this quote: '“I think a lot of this is really overblown,” says Rich Cassidy, a Sanders superdelegate from Vermont. “There are millions of people supporting Bernie Sanders, and some of them have extreme views and extreme ways of expressing their views. And you can’t be held accountable for what the most extreme people who happen to be your supporters do.”'
^^^Take it away, folks. Wink

He is right on the overblown part. Were chairs thrown? Was there violence? All the news sites said there was. But last I saw there was no evidence. No video or anything. Looks like the establishment didn't like being caught on tape rigging the system again and made that up to distract people.

The thing you may not know is bernie sanders has a very bad temper. The berniebots represent him very well. He does not know how to keep his cool when he loses it. He wants a total chaos because, as a good leftist he is, he believes he will be the one raising from the carnage like a phoenix in the end.

No, he will not disavow his berniebots and their mischievousness.

Didn't he do just that? And there is a difference between not keeping his cool and wanting total chaos. Where did you get the idea that is what he wants?

He wants his supporters to be troublemakers all the way, and beyond. Let's see if he'll ask them to keep calm before the DNC convention or not. If not, then you'll have your answer...

Something like this: "Our campaign has held giant rallies all across this country, including in high-crime areas, and there have been zero reports of violence. Our campaign of course believes in non-violent change and it goes without saying that I condemn any and all forms of violence, including the personal harassment of individuals. " Not the first time he said it. He isn't the one inciting supporters to be violent. That would be trump.
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