In response to several comments:
Change-Bank is way too late to the party. Monaco, TenX and Centra are doing debit cards as well. Also, the majority of coin holders will not give their coins to any centralized place, in fear of a hacker or employee stealing them.
Swarm Fund is lying. They say that you need large amounts of money to buy real estate and your money is tied down for an indefinite amount of time. This is false. You can buy one share of a REIT, and there are thousands of REITs to choose from, and you can sell it one minute later. If they start off their pitch with a lie, what else are they lying about?
There is another flaw with Swarm, which is similar to the flaw with CombiCoin. You will have to trust that the coin is backed up LEGALLY by the land title of the real estate. Who is the owner of the real estate? John Doe? Who is to say John Doe will uphold any agreement that the real estate, that has his name in the municipal records as the owner, will ascribe it to the coin holders?
DomRaider is all marketing and no meat. They are probably liars as well. Their industry, dropcatching, is tiny. If it was as big as DomRaider claims, then Godaddy would be making billions from it. But none of Godaddy’s revenue is attributed to dropcatching on their Income Statement. Godaddy never even mentions dropcatching anywhere in their annual filing to the SEC. Read it.
After reading the first sentence in
Earth Token’s announcement, I stopped. “environmentally sustainability software”? WTF? Is this another example of somebody trying to put the kitchen sink onto the blockchain?
I see nothing new with
Electroneum. Mobile? Lots of altcoins can be on the phone. Privacy? Monero, PIVX and Zcash already can do that. Offline wallet? This is when Electroneum starts misleading. They state:
““Googling” for Bitcoin Hack or Ethereum Hack will find you dozens of stories of stolen cryptocurrencies. We’ve developed an OFFLINE wallet that is 100% secure. You can create as many offline wallets as you like (free) and transfer the bulk of your Electroneum to those wallets.”
Are they trying to make you think that there are no offline wallets for Bitcoin and Ethereum? There are LOTS of them.
Atlant and
HomeToken have the same problems as Swarm. In addition to that, they both have the same problem as coin banks, exchanges and investment funds. The money is centralized into a honey pot, which makes it attractive to hackers and employees to steal.
Looking at all these recommendations, it’s amazing how low the bar has gone for startups.
Which ico are you recommending?
I would recommend against most of the recommendations made on this forum.
Some of them might be valid but most are trying to pump and dump, as most buyers seem to be interested in mainly dumping their tokens immediately after the ICO ends.
It would also seem that most people on the forum lack acumen, critical thinking and research capabilities. You only need to do a few minutes of research and you can find serious problems with many of the ICOs.
I came across a recommendation one time that recommended a project that would put 3D data onto the blockchain. This shows that they know NOTHING about the BLOCKCHAIN and that the project has never even run a full node for Bitcoin or Ethereum. Both of their blockchains are already having serious scaling issues with 200 GB of data, and the new ICO wants to put hundreds of Terabytes of 3D data on the blockchain. Idiots.
The ICO space is filled with people who understand little about technology, blockchain or business.
Andreas Antonopoulos said that 99% of the ICOs are shit or scam. I'm beginning to think that he is right.
As I've written in the past, you can easily filter out most of the shit or scams by using 2 simple filters:
EVERYTHING ELSE IS USELESS, including team, fancy pretentious titles, references, roadmap, video, fancy animations, escrow, blogs, Slack, Telegram, Twitter, Facebook, Reddit and white paper. Several projects with impressive profiles raised multiple millions and still haven't delivered any software.
EOS raised $230 million and said that they were going to release something by end of summer. Nothing yet. With $230 million, EOS should have solved world hunger by now.
Gnosis raised $12.5 million and their website says that they are releasing their game by first half of 2017. Nothing yet.
Qtum raised $15.6 million. I don't see anything produced on Qtum's website.
After raising $50 million,
Cosmos's website is still pitching its white paper. Come on. What have they produced with that $50 million?
MobileGo raised $53 million. Here's the roadmap from their white paper:
May - June: Gamecredits Mobile Store Public Launch
May - June: Gamecredits accepted for mobile store games and in- game content purchases
July - August: first centralized tournaments on platform
However, I don't see any of that on their website. They're mainly bragging about how their token is on exchanges. What are they doing? Day-trading their own token?
IS THE TEAM FROM A CORRUPT COUNTRY? If so, move on. In corrupt countries, ethics and honesty are more lax, which means that they will have a higher tendency to exaggerate or lie. are ICOs coming from countries that sent out thousands of phishing scams in past years. Why would you take the risk of investing in ICOs from those countries?
I've come across projects that stack their teams with over a dozen useless people. Then they lie. They give them titles like "Blockchain expert" or "Blockchain developer". I researched into their backgrounds and the "expert" worked in Inside Sales until 1.5 months prior. The "developer" never developed a blockchain before.