Do you think it's safe to assume that xiaoxiao is still getting paid his affiliate fees?
Do you see what I'm getting at here?
I don't know, honestly. All I know is he is working a "shitty job" and getting back on his feet, right now. Remember, I was in this same type of situation, took me multiple years to square up with everyone. I got out by paying off debts slowly at first, and then eventually the larger ones.
So this is an important:
Did xiao ask you specifically to post his affiliate link to help him out?
Specifically, when did he ask you?
1) Yes, obviously he is the one who asked me to post it.
2) A while ago, I don't know, exactly, I still grind for several hours each day and that's what occupies my main focus. Obviously, it was sometime before last week when I got around to doing it
I'm actually not smart. I'm a moron, I do stupid shit all the time...
Yeah you've def done a ton of stupid shit.
But I have no doubt that, unlike most, you have an incredibly good understanding of how poker works from a business perspective. Up there with Stealthmunk.
Yeah, us degen screwups have a way of grouping together. Me and stealthmunk go way back.