But as far as I know the betfury team can help with problems like this, you can wait for an answer from the active team in this thread too, but don't forget to keep in contact with them via their site, I'm not an active gambler at betfury but you can ask the betfury team to disable 2fa in your account, of course, with proof of ownership, if you can't prove it, of course, your account will no longer be accessible. good luck
It is always good to have additional security options, in my case it is enough to have the authenticator, I do not see any other way to have more security, of course there are people who associate their login with email, some other options are done through authenticate with SMS but this does not work well for me personally, because I have had bad experiences, when you leave the country and want to enter there is no way for the SMS to arrive because the telephone companies in my country do not open to other countries or with rooming activated, but there are many Security Layers that can be activated and should be taken advantage of, as long as the activations are saved , be it the QR code and passwords.