It's until the 17th November, so slightly more than 2 weeks. Assuming we are hardworking enough to snag 50 a day, that's somewhere between 800-900+ by the time it ends.
from 108 it's now down to 93 and keeps moving down I don't know the number tomorrow but if it is until November 17 and we can claim from 80 to 10 daily and I don't think you can keep up claiming 24 hours daily, yes I'm claiming but I don't think I can keep up 24 hours I can go 8 hours online, but still a great bonus for their anniversary.
Yes it's now 65 daily and will continue to drop but it's not 20 minutes to claim in the faucet it's 5 to 8 minutes anywhere from that I guess it will go down 10 daily but it's worth for small investors like me and who used to be very active in the faucet, so far only Betfury is my casinos that offer 3 faucets where you can claim Bitcoin, Binance and now Betfury I hope they make the BFG faucet permanent.