anybody with some info on how to get a sidehack gekko miner to work with bfgminer?
was told the following in a post
the apt-get of bfgminer is hella old..
to get from git you first install git.
sudo apt-get install git
then its
git clone will make a folder called bfgminer
cd bfgminer
sudo apt-get install build-essential autoconf automake libtool pkg-config libcurl4-gnutls-dev libjansson-dev uthash-dev libncursesw5-dev libudev-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev libevent-dev libmicrohttpd-dev hidapi
run ./ ./configure and make.
so thats it ....all i have to do after this (supposedly if it works install) is start it up with the following with the 8gh gekko sidehack usb plug' in
sudo ./bfgminer.exe -o stratum+tcp:// -O username --set compac:clock=150
anyway gave up on cgminer...just need a way to get it up on a linux box....i currently am trying to get it to work with the 2 port to 1 port usb dual cable and a 1 gekko sidehack stick (have an orico 10 port hub I'd like to try ..but keeping it simple...just get some stick to run)
I'm using unbuntu 12.04 on a Compaq evon800v laptop ..with supposedly according to spec sheets usb 2.0 dual ports
i also have a raspberry pi B+ 512mb and a raspberry pi 2 version ..*UN-used at present one confusing project at a time*
but hell if there is a 'straight' monkey see monkey do type the info in set of instructions on how to get this all to work with the gekko I could go that way as well ....
thanks ...this all is way beyond my 'comfort' curve ...only got into mining in 2013 with KNC units ...they are plug and play ..thus stumped....and I know zip about Linux or Unbuntu or whatever....have no clue besides how to install it of a dvd on to above laptop and get putty working..thus why I wan to use these old machines they currently are 'watching' my
2 knc titans using putty....i can install....get putty installed and update them..the extent of my linux skills
my setup below.note the putty speeds i get on the 2 titans (or skip....) pics etc again compaq evo n800v machine and ibm ps/2 r40 I think the other one is currently Unbuntu 12.04.
lostgonzo.imgur.comanyway ...I had cgminer working briefly on a test machine at work.....same model laptop..but have gotten no place with the install at home ....again gave up ...will see if you bfgminer
types have already gone there with the gekko 8gh usb miners (roi is a smile lol)
and I can simply follow some steps (all i'm good for on linux etc)
anyway hopefully bfgminer has a better way for these usb hubs for linux newbs like me....a guy can hope...