I was testing mining on biblepay.miningpool.fun, but still after 12 hours still no payout?
I am doing around the 100Kh/s, i also can not see on that pool the current balance, estimated, payout etc..?
On the nomp pools, they simply pay out 105 blocks later and the payment should be allocated in this page by block no:
Could you please tell us if you still didnt get payout after 105 blocks after one of the blocks shown on that list that your address is in, if so what is your address and the block nbr that you appear in on that list?
The owners name is Song and I spoke to him last night and he appears to be a legit player and good person (he said he is committed to transferring the orphan balance each month to one of our orphans. We established his first orphan here: https://biblepay.cameroonone.org/bios/277f6767.htm ). So afaik, the honesty should be there.
Btw, his email is on the front page if you need to contact.
PS If you are talking about the XMR side please let me know - that balance can be seen in the XMR tab but you must disable the popup blocker, I believe.
To attract more Christians to Biblepay, I created this Biblepay WIKI PDF outlining the parallels to Exodus as compared to the current age:
About Easter:
While we solemnly mourn over Jesus agonizing crucifixion this Easter, and rejoice over our salvation that he provided by providing atonement for our sins and making a path of salvation for us, remember that the Jews are celebrating Passover at the same time (during the 8 days of April 8th through April 16th).
It is no coincidence that Passover for the Jews falls on Easter for the Christians; because Jesus is our passover lamb, the final sacrifice for our sins (meaning there is no reason for further sacrifices on the altar). Nevertheless ultra-orthodox-Jews who still have not accepted the Messiah will celebrate passover. The reason it is of no coincidence is because Father God planned that Jesus ministry would end at the exact moment (on the calendar) that Exodus occurred. After the 10 plagues of Egypt, when Pharoah finally gave in, the children of Israel escaped bondage. However, on the night that the Angel of Death passed over (this was the 10th plague, death of firstborn Children Exodus 11:1), that was the true Jewish first passover. The children were told by Moses to put the lambs blood on their doorposts and that the death angel would pass over. And so this affliction only killed the Egyptian babies, but not the Hebrew babies. God knows this date was to be between April 8th and April 16th on our calendar. Thats why he sent his son to die for us on the same date, because he is our passover lamb.
So, I've been researching Exodus I, II, and what I call III (the final exodus, or the rapture), and piecing together fascinating connections between the three. When something repeats in the bible, its called a "Type". Meaning that what was before will be again. I believe the Rapture will be a "Type" of Exodus. Therefore I am creating a wiki page with the connections that I show between this current Passover and the historic two exodus'.
I was recently contacted by the CEO of PolisPay, Enrique, for a potential partnership. He seems like a great guy.
I'm working with him on potentially adding BiblePay to his list of acceptable coins to make transactions on their next MasterCard.
I also offered advice on anything that we have that he might be interested in.
Question, I'm being told the post about the new XMR miner reward is a duplicate, but I don't see any other post about an XMR reward:
Note ! A new reward of 14,100 BIBLEPAY - Increased on April 9th, 2020 - for new Monero or XMR - RandomX Miners is available as of this morning
Please join us in sponsoring ORPHANS IN THEIR DISTRESS by HEAT MINING.
10% of the HEAT MINED REWARD goes directly to orphan charity. This is also something novel, that is not being done with bitcoin or dash.
By the way all, we still sponsor over 50 orphans per month through our existing POOM/Governance system.
See our orphan collage here:
According to MNO:
Our sanctuaries (another name for Masternodes, except Sanctuaries can be used for 'physical processes' in addition to 'computer processes' in the future:
Currently earn 42% ROI.
? Won't it be nice to have a feature where we offer turnkey fractional sanctuary slicing ?
We will be one of the few to gain this feature also. (As after GIN went out of business, most coins lost this ability).
** Letters written back to the BIBLEPAY community by Kairos, in reference to our Community Hosted Kairos Easter Party **
Kairos thanked us today and also sent these:
Note : I modified the OP post with the sample Left Behind letter (for those who miss the rapture). Click on the OP post and search for "Left behind" if you would like a copy of it:
Left Behind Letter (for those that missed the rapture): https://san.biblepay.org/Theology/Left%20Behind%20Letter.pdf
I'm being forced to rephrase my post about 2fa deposits and withdrawals.
We have a new feature coming this weekend, that allows you to make deposits and withdrawals at :
But only if you set up a 2FA pin.
Please feel free to test this with smaller amounts to make sure its ready for prime time.
You can create an account by making a "https://forum.biblepay.org" account first, then logging in, then setting your 2fa pin.
Then you want to send a deposit to the foundation, and check your balance.
Then later you can withdraw the money and lose zero.
Ill explain how to test fractional sancs over the weekend.