Can you explain how you arrived at the WCGRAC on getboincinfo? I've been reading the forum but I'm still confused.
It's just the UTC 00:00:00 WCG RAC amount * 1.5 (if you are running the latest wallet) * UTXO_Depression (IE 1.00 for 100%, .90 for 90% etc)
The sanctuaries re-assess the WCG RAC the same way during the calculation of the Total RAC.
Ok, so my question is then where you got the "WCG RAC amount". Is it the RAC on on the Rosetta website? I thought it was actually *2 right now, has the bug been fixed?
The WCG Amount is the amount exported to BOINCs network from WCG at 00:00:00 UTC. You can find the closest value by running the Boinc GUI, clicking Projects, highlight the WCG row, and see what WCG shows for "Avg. Work Done". That is the number that is exported at midnight. (We dont use the Rosetta number, but instead, Rosetta pulls it in the same way we do, so our numbers should be pretty close to Rosettas display for your CPID).
As far as the actual values multiplication factor, the Sanc doesnt have the bug, so if you are viewing the superblock view report you shouldnt be seeing a multiplication of 2*.
If you are running the latest GUI biblepay-qt, you should be seeing the 1.5* factor now.