It’s been since 4/9/18 that I have been pulling shares with no magnitude in pool, any idea how long it takes BOINC to solve enough tasks to start pulling in magnitude? Anything else I should check, any commands I should type into debug to figure out any other issues that could be causing the no mag issue? Should I just move all BBP coins to one wallet under one CPID number to see if that fixes the Magnitude issue? Should I switch pools? Thanks.
If you type exec getboincinfo, you should see positive RAC by now.
Please paste your CPID, and also, check your boinc client to see if its RAC agrees with the biblepay exec getboincinfo.
Also, you should be in the pool superblock view report.
Here is what I am getting from debug commands. Any advice on what to do next?

"Command": "getboincinfo",
"CPID": "eb3eee4eac3ce7c6f903198678bf4075",
"Address": "BGn1YG311oNkgBH9G8iVeX54cPwtAGcuUf",
"CPIDS": "eb3eee4eac3ce7c6f903198678bf4075;",
"CPID-Age (hours)": 423291,
"NextSuperblockHeight": 41000,
"NextSuperblockBudget": 1179301,
"eb3eee4eac3ce7c6f903198678bf4075_ADDRESS": "BGn1YG311oNkgBH9G8iVeX54cPwtAGcuUf",
"eb3eee4eac3ce7c6f903198678bf4075_RAC": 0,
"eb3eee4eac3ce7c6f903198678bf4075_TEAM": 15044,
"eb3eee4eac3ce7c6f903198678bf4075_WCGRAC": 0,
"eb3eee4eac3ce7c6f903198678bf4075_TaskWeight": 0,
"eb3eee4eac3ce7c6f903198678bf4075_UTXOWeight": 0,
"Total_RAC": 0,
"Total Payments (One Day)": 0,
"Total Payments (One Week)": 0,
"Total Budget (One Day)": 1179301,
"Total Budget (One Week)": 8255107,
"Superblock Count (One Week)": 8,
"Superblock Hit Count (One Week)": 8,
"Superblock List": "40795,40590,40385,40180,39975,39770,39565,39360",
"Last Superblock Height": 40795,
"Last Superblock Budget": 1179301,
"Last Superblock Payment": 0,
"Magnitude (One-Day)": 0,
"Magnitude (One-Week)": 0

exec totalrac

"Command": "totalrac",
"Total RAC": 0,
"UTXO Target": 10