For the folks that have their payouts coming every 2 hours... do you have a pretty significant amount of hash? Currently you're only going to get 0.0008975BTC per TH. Seems like you're going to get hammered by transaction fees when you ever try to spend those coins because of the combination of so many inputs.
When I have spent coin I have not noticed a problem yet. It use to be when I first started about 2 years ago on Slush I had my payout set at .25 but as difficulty keeps going up I think you will see more miners taking smaller payments.
Maybe I'm missing something... is there a minimum payout threshold you can set or is it only the time-based one? Since 1TH/s expects to earn 0.01077
BTC a day right now, that means breaking that payment into 12 pieces - so you get your payments every 2 hours - gets you the number from my post you quoted. At the end of the day, sure you've got the same total number of coins, but the inputs to get there are 12 times more. More inputs, the larger the size of the data in your transaction. The larger the data, the more you pay out in transaction fees.
No your right as its time base a miners chooses. I knew the transaction fees are higher if you have a lot of inputs to make up the coin your spending but so far the coins I have spent I really have not notice a high fee yet? I guess I am not sure what is normal or what is high?
The typical fee that is sent along with a transaction is 0.0001
BTC per kilobyte of data. As you add more and more inputs to the transaction, the size of the payload goes up, and you pay fees accordingly. To see the effect, use manual coin control on you wallet and play around using different inputs to send coins. You'll quickly see that lots of small value inputs will add up to larger fees.
Given our example here, if you get paid every 2 hours, you're going to have 12 inputs into a send transaction of 0.01
BTC. If you get paid every 24 hours, that same transaction is a single input.