I can't disclose full details but have some early artwork to share
How many Asian techs do you have working for you and what kind of rare metals are your going to use?
We have 40 techs working the project. Praseodymium is used for the primary containment vessel.
We originally encoded the block chain in DNA but that was too large and inefficient. Hence, the decision to quantum mechanically encode it into an Atom using the spin properties of some electrons. Brilliant stuff. The techs are working on a neutrino version next still sorting out some challenges with that such as the fact that the miner must be encased in 35 miles of lead and heavy water to work properly. Techs will find a workaround
(we did this on a very small budget - the techs are paid in Fortune Cookies)
You know for as much shit as I and the rest of the people have been giving you, at least you have a sense of humor. I really hope you're telling the truth and you can deliver. But to be 100% honest, I'm not holding my breath.
Listen fellas!! i gain nothing by blowing smoke and talking up a fake product. I can be a little trollish sometimes but that's just my ADHD . My ADHD makes me do impulsive things but by luck and random impulse i got together with some techs and by chance stumbled upon a Device that will change the way we mine Scrypt Forever . I should re-word that. i stumbled upon two brilliant techs while trying to develop a secure USB wallet plated in gold for BitBar. The rest just fell into place. I am gonna bring this product to the people!! i will make BFL and avalon look bad by shipping this product before they ship out the first 1000 50 g/h miner