"the theory behind Dash and Monero can be applied to Bitbay and Syscoin"
We make it even better.
Imagine if you have Dash or Monero (or any coin for that matter).
In essence, you could use our marketplace to finally utilize your "other" coins in a safe trustless environment.
Granted to remain trustless, it would require some BitBay, as BitBays are used for the double deposit escrow program - which enforces counterparties to be honest.
But for example, let's say you hold a bag of monero, yet you typically only buy and sell items on Ebay for less than 100 dollars, then all you would need is 100 dollars worth of BitBay. Then you could create or join a "Monero" bitmessage backed marketplace (or Dash, Pinkcoin, Doge, etc...), and other monero holders could join that same marketplace channel and you can trade back and forth using your Monero as the coin of purchasing power and BitBay as the coin for transaction security.
Again, finally... every crypto coin in existence has a way to trade their coins (or items for their coins) in a safe, secure, trustless environment.
If you want a more private environment, you can simply create any marketplace you wish, for example, "iUkiqFUsTciMsBdnYETgE2DMg4k3fMdP"
I'd say that's a name of a marketplace that no one will just randomly stumble upon if they are bored and trying to find other markets to join!
Now with that marketplace created, you could post items for sell on it, then with the use of BitBay's client, you could email your potential customers the name of the marketplace. You can do this through the safety of the client with its Pay-to-email feature. BitBay's Pay-to-Email is powered by bitmessage protocol and security.
https://bitmessage.org/wiki/Main_PageSo in essence, you could send your clientele emails through the client, with minimal BitBay's (send them 1 BitBay for example - (mainly for transaction fees to miners)) and even password protect the email. So then you could utilize another means of communication to send them the password for them to open the email you sent - kind of like a 2FA feature. Once they open the email, they could see your marketplace you created, join it, and trade with you in Monero, Dash, etc., with the privacy of your choosing!
The possibilities with BitBay are amazing! David's goal is to have everything complete before the end of the 1st qtr of next year.