you can guarantee price of a coin through deflation/inflation? rather big assumption wouldn't you say?
Nothing big about that assumption. It's done everyday in fiat, and it works. David said currencies don't deflate, and that's mostly correct in the long term for several reasons -one of them being inflation target above zero. But they do deflate short term all the time.
seems to me like a secondary market will be created one which is related to demand or volume
A secondary market will also be part of this.
You cannot guarantee that volume will rise thus it really is just circling back to the same issue...its a cool solution to a general problem but not sure if it will do what you intend but hey lets see it go should be interesting.
We are in the infancy of crypto, so no one can guarantee anything for any coin. BitBay and syscoin can both be dead two years from now for reasons none of use are able to foresee. Or one or both of them can become biger than bitcoin. There is no telling.
I can imagine it will deflate pretty quickly as people want higher prices and then wait for new money to come in to take volume higher so old money can get out of their stuck coins.
I def see why you envision a scenario like that. But the whole point of the peg is to provide stability, so there are limits to how fast it will be allowed to move.
You totally underestimate the importance of price discovery in a currency. It's not just about stability or competition with other countries. It's also about "importing" inflation or deflation through trade, and thus strongly influence the very parameters you want to control like growth, unemployment etc. The effect of importet inflation/deflation mostly increases with decreasing size of country/economy. The effect is also bigger in relative open economies than in relative closed ones.
As to the rest, David and 3r197 already addressed that. I'd just like to add that no coin can survive in the long run if it doesn't get real users. I believe BitBay is in a position to get real users, and as they increase in numbers, traders actions will have less impact.
No I didn't underestimate what it means for a currency to be valued competitively depending on its place in the global trade marketplace... why do you think there's been battle to the bottom after plaza accord was signed? US is in the unique position of a global currency aswell serving import driven economies where it pays to be cheap.. Carry traders and large specs that look at economic numbers then place values based on fundamentals.. ofcourse if it doesn't go the way they want (JPY,CHF) then they intervene. In context of my original post you cannot just generate growth... you can set a price but something else will be negatively affected... you have to survive growth luls by innovation and creating incentive for velocity of money to rise... what you are postulating with the proposed system is that the incentive for M1 to increase or decrease which in turn affects liquidity/demand and ultimately price. I'm not convinced without reading some models on paper that such a system would do what its designed to do but hey stranger things have happened in crypto! Anyways it's worth a try especially if an exchange like Polo agrees to supporting the custom code needing to run it on their servers.
You missed the point. It's not just about stability or competition with other countries. It's also about "importing" inflation or deflation through trade Participating in a race to the bottom is not the best solution for every country in every situation. Sometimes the opposite is a better solution. It all depends on who you are mainly trading with, your trade surplus or deficit, the default currency for the goods you trade etc.
Controlling M1 or rather M3 is exactly what is working for countries. Bay is less complicated than countries, so we are controlling M0. And we don't generate growth in the macro economic meaning of the term. We just provide a safe and relatively stable currency that has some unique features that can solve problems that haven't been solved yet. The ability to create velocity of money is not defined by how we do our peg. If the peg works it will contribute to create velocity of money. Or are you talking about transactions velocity of money?