Ok .. let me see .. last time something was promised was way back in DEC 2014. No shit has happened till now.
Well i dont think you were talking about BitBay but if you were here are the things that have happened since last year.
Completely new user interface, detailed panels for history.
Advanced payments such as joint accounts, automated joint accounts fully automated and complete
Pay to email with steganography (coins hidden in images) completed
Partial refactor of the Halo source, massive improvements to core
Email and Bitmessage stability greatly improved, no more lost messages, support added for different email encoding
DECENTRALIZED MARKETS released, first coin/software in the world to have them.(including Bithalo and Blackhalo)
Installation wizard made, multiple user friendly features
Many small user friendly features, reminders and hints integrated seemlessly
More improvements made to decentralized markets
Reputation system added, fully trustless checking of contracts and their success rate
Database management improved tremendously, (some) issues with memory and automated backup improved
Fixed a lot of random things
Major improvements to contracts such as time of agreement, modifications to negotiation
Fee calculation improved per kilobyte for large transactoin
Many scalability features added to source
TRANSLATIONS to 92 languages, autotranslator added to code with a User Interface for improving those translations(via google translate)
As above, entire UI adjusted to morph with translations AND UI changed to morph with coin switching
Entire User Interface developed for TEMPLATES
First Template "Cash for coins" made, massive update
Cash for coins included with TRUSTLESS price tracker, negotiation and verification of any market fluctuations
Full communication of price alterations between clients
Improved Custom contracts user interface
Automatic acceptance made with better contract verification totally immune to hacking
Contract hashes verified, hashing function made for unordered json dictionaries
Other exotic contracts and bitcoin scripting tested, functions added in back end for later use
Basics of "cold staking" multisignature staking added, was waiting for POS 3.0 to implement
Personally FIXED Qt client that was not properly forked and recompiled daemon
Wrote scripts for getting staked multisig coins out of Qt wallet if mixed
Released MAC and Linux versions of Halo for the first time(working on 75% of systems), however later withheld to enhance compatibility
Released obfuscated source
Full markets UI, improvements for wallets such as steganography for keys
Offer/Counter-Offer system massively enhanced including for autoaccept and backwards compatible with old counteroffer system
New graphics for UI as requested
Better organization on slack
Slack group ran multiple events, promotions, givaways too many to list
new logo designed social media improved
met multiple slack members in person
customer support for many different people
Fawcet made thanks to slack
Massive modifications to the pegging protocol (proposal) thanks to good advice on slack
Brand new website
Lots of promotional materials made
Several articles mentioning bay (a nice improvement from previous PR)
New OP with really nice graphics made for it
And even stickers, and t-shirts were made
I highly doubt you were talking about this coin. And thats the short list.
There was also changes to BitHalo and BlackHalo. They both have new sites, more articles etc. And I had several
months of down time from moving. This also excludes any networking done and side projects and personal stuff of course. The changelog in Bitbay has more technical details too, there is currently a list of things im working on.
I would like to say THANK YOU to everyone who is still here supporting this project and thanks for your patience. We have accomplished more in one year than entire teams accomplish in 3. Its not a sprint, its a marathon. And once this is all done hopefully we can market it harder too. And the sooner i finish the sooner i can take on more work.
So I'm looking forward to releasing more frequent updates this year.