We r nearly in Novemenr. When will this be built? I know it is a one man team creating it but i thought it would be pegged by now. This is taking way too long.
I'm not fudding, I own $1000 worth of bay & want to have a finished product and only then will I start to use it.
I also would like more marketing and a rise in marketcap.
People who invest in Crypto should understand something and its probably why a lot of devs quit. Its because... they aren't real devs. Software can take years to finish even with teams. In the past 10 months, we released decentralized markets that actually work, made major enhancements to the core client, have an auto-translater that translates to 92 languages, a crazy UI with forms that are interactive and mutate as you make different choices, and even the first templte (coins for cash) released with a built in Bot/price tracker. And the full list would take up this page. So relax, it will happen soon enough.
This type of attitude is unhealthy (pure obsession with price). Pegging will certainly help this issue that plagues crypto but people must understand that this isnt like making a website on wix or microwaving your dinner, its more like this, "programming is like building a luxury car from scratch piece by piece without an instruction manual or any help from any previous models"
And its more like building that car with your bare hands and only a hammer and screwdriver.
Its just time consuming.
Lets take an example: Diablo 3 took 10 years to make and they had a staff of 5,000 people.
Bitcoin was probably not created by one person (Satoshi was probably a group of people)
So on the contrary, we are moving extremely fast considering im the only dev. But im not a machine, sometimes i even take a day off! (i know its crazy)
And i can assure you programming destroyed my social life... lol
So be patient, its not a race, its a marathon. If anyone here invested for a quick return then best that they sell and move into some sort of pump and dump (i think Kittycoin is good enough for that)
Bitcoin was worthless for about 3 years... you couldnt even give them away for free (for example Lily Allen turned down 300,000 or so bitcoins when they were worthless), i dont think people were sending Satoshi PMs saying "when will your software be worth something some day?"