What's happening with Glencore ? Have they got too much debt ?
They have a huge investment in the mining industry, and are linked to trillions of dollars of derivative trades globally (mainly commodities).
If the firm implodes it would be a financial disaster unlike anything that we have seen in Europe since the end of World War II.
They are too big to bail out!
Here's the latest on their status.
Glencore used to be one of my biggest customer's at my last job. Dealt with them a lot in regard to aluminum. Yes they are huge, but I do not believe the financial impact will be as great as some of the articles state out there. They are tied into commodities and not directly to the financial industry. These commodities companies utilize the commodities as collateral for more loans when the material is not sold. They go BK, banks take the material back and lose some money, but the world goes on. Eventually, another commodity giant will come along and pick up the pieces of them if they were to go BK, which might happen. My first guess on who picks up the pieces would be Rio Tinto...
Honestly don't have an opinion on how this may or may not effect world commodities prices. I'm sure at first there would be some turmoil, but that would clear up faster than a financial crisis.