I find that the QT is very slow on updating, still busy since yesterday. The Market app (v1.2 and v1.2-2) doesn't work, it crashes instantly. Any advice on these issues?
Sorry for the inconvenience. These are on David's list of things to do. Currently the Market Client runs only on Windows. The Mac and Linux builds are out of date.
He plans on having them up to date within a month or two.
Speeding up the synchronization will be addressed soon as well. There is a bootstrap file found in OP but I honestly don't know if it's compatible with Mac.
If a Bitcoin wallet can sync in 6-8 hours I'm sure he can get BitBay to sync a lot faster.
But currently the template releases have been his top priority. 'Buy/Sell Anything' with automatic shipping calculator is very close to release.
Hopefully he'll have the mac and linux builds up to date after that.