I'll be doing a blogpost as part of a Syscoin Marketplace competitor research blog. I had some questions about BitBay as I featured it as one of the leading contenders in the marketplace space.
1) Since BitHalo uses BitMessage, would you be able to do off-line sales like that with blockchain versions of marketplace?
2) Are you using the moderation layer of BitHalo to censor offers? If so, what sort of incentives will users have to become moderators?
3) How would you support anonymity... i mean interms of obfuscating IP addresses not necessarily encrypting messages which come OOTB with BitHalo.
Yeah you can do offline sales absolutely. At some point, you need to broadcast though. This in effect is better than blockchain versions because its peer to peer. This really avoids blockchain bloat. Although Bitmessage itself could get bloated. However in that case changing/adding ports, establishing whitelists and dividing markets will solve that issue. Link markets dynamically the way the internet currently does.
Currently, moderation is used to delete offers for highly illegal things not censor them (that would be impossible since everything is encrypted coming in unless every offer was reviewed in advance). Obviously we dont want organ trading and other crazy things on there. Lets do our best keep this clean so we can reach the masses. Of course we cant possibly know all the markets because bitmessage decryption keys are based off the market name.
So a moderator broadcasts a message to say a market or an order should be ignored. However, a node would have to be connected to see that. Nodes that dont connect within the 2 day period will simply not see it. A permanent ban can happen by checking a server and eventually a burn address can be used. Incentive for moderation is just based on good behavior and constant connectivity. A merchant who always uses the markets and does great can be issued the moderation key. If you place that key in the folder your version of Halo is instantly converted to the mod version with extra options.
This system is extremely anon. The IP addresses are encrypted with a supermoderator key. So only I hold that one and it can be used for very positive reasons. For example, a node who is always connected can be added to knownnodes.dat in bitmessage so we have faster markets(without revealing the ip itself). However consider that I only can see an ip address of a market that im connected to. If something happens in a market I dont see it would be impossible to log that due to the nature of Bitmessage. And ive never bothered to decrypt them anyways because we are not big enough to need the performance boost of new known nodes.
Its like triple anomynoty. First with bitmessages encryption then we encrypt again in Halo and finally the p2p negotiations are encrypted with there key. So unless you are a peer to a transaction there is absolutely no way to intervene.
I should add, if you use Tor with Bitmessage or Bitcoin you lose all of your anomynoty. There is some great articles on that. In fact it even opens you up to some really powerful attacks by controlling exit nodes. So I'm looking forward to developements in i2p and mesh(people can always add Tor manually to their config file but i dont recommend it).