You make a good offer and I hope anyone who does sees this and is able to help, do so. Having a team behind a site instead of every man for themselves will not only help everyone personally quicker of course, but in the long run make for a quality site, something lacking in the Bitcoin community. I am not a huge fan of the layout of most peoples pages.
If you need people to write custom scripts, programs, there are web sites that do commission jobs. I think that would be the best route. Graphics could be commission, pay by BTC, even put in the post how much you would be willing to pay for a logo, graphic, banner, icon, etc.
By the way, if you were able to pay me in advance for a month where I could quit my nine to five, I could help with graphics, design, light code, e-commerce experience, and I also could get some girls and explain it to them. This would of course have to be backed by lawyers to guarantee at the least the initial girls would not be affected by market price. If I had the time, good luck, if you could get this going it can be a nice thing
tweetforum took me 14 months to come up with, so right now the only choice I have is mine for bitcoins, and work my ass off at my day job (fixing computers) so I can hopefully catch up on bills. I can't offer any payments right now, and if i could I wouldn't be here asking for help. I would have already done the things you said above if I had the money, but I don't. I realize that even if I did have the money, it's still wouldn't be as good as if it were a team oriented project where everyone has a real stake.
My plan was making an ewallet, the customer signs up with an email address and password. They get a designated wallet with a bitcoin address that they send to (us), and then they pay in "Credits". We actually don't even need to pay the girls in bitcoins if we don't want to, we can just pay them in cash at the end of their work day, they convert the credits to $$$. Obviously we would need a starting bankroll for that so at the start that might not be possible. But thats where I wana go eventually. The credit's system (similar to what you see at live jasmine) might be the best approach, esp if these girls don't even know what bitcoins are lol.