Hey guys!
As with the latest Litecoin announcement, we are always looking to improve our site and services.
Therefore we want to hear more from you and want to know is there any missing features on our site?
For example something we've thought about is a currency converter that can be used to convert cryptocurrencies to FIAT
and vice versa next to the gameplay window. Having different denominations of Bitcoin can be sometimes a bit confusing.
Shoot us the features you're missing and we will reward one forum member with this Ledger Nano X hardware wallet!
Winner will be picked on Tuesday 5th of March. The brand new wallet is coming out on this March as well
Hey guys! We've picked our heads about the winner and we've finally got a one: kryptqnick - please contact us my DM!
His suggestion was to add a chat on our page which is shared by every player. So for example if you're playing slots on 50x round autoplay,
you can chat with fellow players at the same time. It's a simple, but cool idea and we will look into it soon.
For the others I'd like to thank for the participation! We will also look into those ideas if we could implement some
Just to comment like that to implement it on your site make us get something like a cold wallet here? This is pretty good prize anyway, but to think that you guys just adding something like this, dont you guys think it is too much? I know you guys do not have this thing yet but it should be a better suggestion to win something here. People will think outside the box to get a good feature though. Anyway congrats on the winner