Looks like somebody ran off with the money, the websites hosting account is now suspended.
That's f'ed up. Phinneas? Did you make a stupid?
And no, no one ran off with the money. Unlike other so-called "businesses" or what have you, Bitcoin100 money has a publicly viewable transaction log in Google Docs spreadsheet that let's anyone verify that everything is where it belongs (
http://goo.gl/Mk3hp), and the private keys are kept by at least two people, myself being one of them. We still have all the money safe and sound.
On the other hand, it seems we really dropped the ball on the whole asking and bugging charities. I think Phinneas is still in charge, right? If you want this to continue, we'll need to get back to work. If not, we do have a list of whom most of the money came from, and thus can give it back.
It's just a credit card issue. The first time this happened, I didn't have the payment process set on automatic, with the previous times always being able to pay Host Gator on time. The second time, the card expired, so I used a different credit card. Now I'm back to square one, setting the payment on automatic with the current Visa card that's not set to expire for about 17 months. I'm going to do the update now and it should be up and running shortly.
I lost track of B100 status. Was any money paid out yet?
Anyway, I came across a very nice organisation to consider for this:
http://watsi.orgToday I wrote them a general inquiry about how the non-fees work and only briefly mentioned bitcoin as the only service to my knowledge that would allow to operate without fees. His very quick reply did not mention bitcoin but asked for ways to further reduce fees. I sent another mail with more bitcoin introduction and also sent him a bitcoin via a charged instawallet address asking to either send it back to me or on to a wallet out of my reach.
I will look into watsi.org, giszmo. Thank you kindly for the suggestion.