Once again, it's time for a little house cleaning by addressing posts and thanking supporters. I apologize for being a tad behind for, along with my day gig, reclaiming old musty smelling barn wood (and now in the process of deconstructing a barn and moving it to Florida where it'll be turned into a home), I've been engrossed in another issue here on this board.
When I first came across this thread, I wasn't planning on joining only because there are several popular "charities" that I will not support because I feel they do more harm than good and I didn't want to have to choose between going back on my word or acting against my principles in the event that one of them was chosen as the Bitcoin100's first recipient.
I see now that I needn't have worried.
Not only do I feel comfortable donating to the charities mentioned by Phinnaeus (at least the ones that I've seen - I'll confess that I haven't read every reply in this thread), the Bitcoin100 seems likely to gravitate toward the most worthwhile of causes.
That being said, I've sent 3 BTC to the vanity donation address - one for each of my for-profit bitcoin ventures (at the moment, that's
The Bitcoin List, and
Unofficial BTC). I also pledge to send 1 additional BTC from each active, for-profit bitcoin venture I'm personally responsible for to each charity that gets my vote.
Thank you kindly, edd, for your more than generous pledge, then donation, thereof. I've updated the supporter list in the OP reflecting your contribution. Thanks to BitcoinPorn wanting to be #69 (he's weird that way), and me listing the supporters in order according to their pledge request time frame, I felt I was playing the board game Hex, because in the wanting to keep your three linked business together, I opt to pen in 'edd' for #68. You'll see what I mean once you view it, and don't worry about having to honor #68's pledge, for the other three more than make up for it. In retrospect, if you have an issue with what I've done, remember it's BitcoinPorn and your fault.
Since you've stated you haven't read the entire thread, I need to stress, once again, that the charity list in the OP was just that--a list. A list I generated during the brainstorming of
Bitcoin100 to act as a starting and discussion point. But you're overall assessment of us gravitating towards the most worthwhile of causes, is on point.
Wait, does that count as three pledges, or as one?
Just one, please!
I don't want to come across as trying to use this to promote my sites, I just wanted to clarify how I'll be determining the amount I donate.
(Don't forget to buy some coffee!
Gulp! Did I mention that I'm good at math? Not great. Simply good. I've got four. Since I'm the keeper of the list, a fridge benefit to having stating this train, I plan on keeping it that way unless Lt. Galloway strenuously objects. As far as the promotional aspect goes, I'd already starting linking supporter's names to their respective websites, of which if I have left any out, please let me know. At the moment, I'm aware of a couple of which I'll soon be linking, but keep me apprised.
Oooh, that comment was further down in the thread than the one I thought you were talking about. Should have scrolled down, it would have been much clearer.
Don't mind me! I'll just show myself out.
PS: I'm in for the pledge. 1BTC per charity for me
Thank you, RaggedMonk, for you kind support. Noted and updated.
me too. I pledge 1BTC.
Thank you kindly, blobbie, for your pledge.
i will pledge a bitcoin, PM when/where to send them:)
Your pledge has been noted, Goat. I will PM you. At the moment, the honoring of pledges are being deposit in this wallet address
1BTC1oo1J3MEt5SFj74ZBcF2Mk97Aah4ac of which is not currently allocated towards any name charitable organization.
I apologize for taking so long to come overe here, Bruno.
I pledge atleast 1 BTC for now.
Also, does anyone know if UNICEF is an upstanding charity? I.E., the majority of their funds actually going to the cause? I'd like to see them on the list but have not done any DD on them.
No apology is warranted, sadpandatech. Your pledge has now been registered in the OP. I'm sure somebody here will research UNICEF for us. As time passes, I'm sure all the major charities will have a good hard look into their worthiness.
I wasn't planning on joining only because there are several popular "charities" that I will not support because I feel they do more harm than good and I didn't want to have to choose between going back on my word or acting against my principles.
I'm sort of in the same boat except I do take issue with a couple of the charities listed. I know first hand that one of the charities HAS been shady to people in it's family of companies. Though, it wasn't the actual the charity's decision to do so. At least one company under it have recently been forcing employees to attend fundraisers and have been deducting a percentage if their check against their will. Another of the charities has recently been promoting an agenda that few people here or the even general population supports. Another charity I just don't get along with their philosophical views.
Either way, I'm setting all that aside for now and don't intend to rock the boat. Just for the sake of helping out some people and continuing the bitcoin experiment.
Thank you kindly for your enlightening post. Please understand you don't have to be a supporter of
Bitcoin100 to be part of the discussion. We'll always treasure your input either way. As far as the list of charities in the OP are concerned, I simply put together that list during the brainstorming process of all this. It's quite possible that no charity on that list will be considered due to whatever. Feel free to offer up a charity close to your heart, and I'm sure it'll be duly considered whether you've pledged or not. I hope I've addressed your post to your liking, AgoraMutual.
FYI, no word from Regretsy. Should I try again, or leave it be, and focus our attention on another charity?
I'm leaning towards letting it rest a tad longer, but, others, please chime in with your opinions.
I agree. I'd feel much better about working on a good quality e-mail and sending it to various small charities that really could benefit from this offer than in pestering one charity. The e-mail that Rassah sent was great but if they didn't even reply then a second message, especially so soon, will come of as spammy.
Sent 1BTC to the 1BTC1oo1J3MEt5SFj74ZBcF2Mk97Aah4ac address.
k, I hope I spelled your named correctly, and thank you kindly for honoring your pledge. It's deeply appreciated.
i will pledge a bitcoin, PM when/where to send them:)
Sent 1 to 1BTC1oo1J3MEt5SFj74ZBcF2Mk97Aah4ac Thanks
Goat, you'll do anything to get mentioned twice in one thread! Thank you, again, now for honoring your pledge. The OP has been updated reflecting your kind contribution.
1 BTC sent. http://blockexplorer.com/tx/0308130193e5f400c4053e4069270c2147fa4f30fe85b12bbfaf602e1b46684c
And finally, thank you, GoWest for starting to honor your very generous pledge. The supporter's list in the OP has been duly noted.
Once again, that concludes the housecleaning for today. Stay tuned, for tomorrow another round of thank yous may be in order.