sorry I was banned so could not respond for such a long time.
We are not the genesis block sure we all come from it, We are forks(sidechains/childchains) of it, Creators beget creations (look around everything comes from something, not no big bang randomly making shit). Our DNA is 48% our mom, 48% our dad, but 100% us. If we log the chains backwards like reverse go up the family tree`s all people stem from the main chain. Yes I guess in a sense we all came from the same genesis block (whatever created duration and time) But we are still 100% unique and live our own sidechains. Yes we are all brothers and sisters no matter what race or religion.
So in sense we are a part of the genesis block or at least came from it, whatever created duration and time is the real blockchain and we all live within it. Perhaps my song and religiousless faith will help you figure it out. Me cringe song about it (know time/duration locks all actions and thoughts) Religionless Faith. I have a Creator not a god, I have Faith but no religion.
Glad I have made 3 or 4 people now create a account now just to comment on what I type. I thought no one was listing. At least some people understanding it or thinking about some of the stuff I say, cool. I guess I am making a impact just with my text/voice in the blockchain`s of others. This guy was right