Today i was just thinking about Bitcoin and its total contribution in world's economy. Let's calculate it.
Assume Bitcoin price - 8,925 USD
According to coinDesk Supply of total bitcoin yet = 16,937,088
Total value of bitcoin till now approx -$0.152 Trillion
According BBC news in 2017, Total world income is 70 Trillions
Total bitcoin contribution to world income 0.217%
Here i am just talked about One crypto asset Bitcoin but can you imagine others coin ETH, LTC, DASH etc.
Share your view on it.
Those 70 trillion are dollars? So they existed before? If your argument resides on a previous currency, then where is the contribution? Maybe the best way is to analyze Bitcoin itself, and no base it to dollars or other economies. In order to be capable of doing so, the analysis should reside on what products can you obtain with bitcoin.
I think we should wait, for there is not such a movement yet. The moment btc becomes a payment system, the moment we will be able to speak about its contribution to the world economy. I mean: now, you are talking about dollar and bitcoin, and of course, btc has generated movement in the economy, but the most interesting part should be how it can become an asset itself, how can achieve the point of becoming something you use in your daily life. When crypto achieves this part, we will be able of speaking about global economic contribution properly. Now, of course, it has a value on the market, a great one. But the contribution to economy is still to see. Now, this is movement, on the future, btc will be able to walk by its own legs.