Total market cap: $2,101,364,683,853 (+12.86%)
Bitcoin: $895,561,512,531 (42.618%)
Bitcoin forks: $14,361,400,247 (0.683%)
Stablecoins: $125,335,572,170 (5.964%)
Altcoins: $1,051,319,497,941 (50.030%)
Tethered BTC: $14,786,700,964 (0.704%)
This is the change compared to my last post:
Bitcoin: -0.026%
Bitcoin forks: -0.061%
Stablecoins: -0.659%
Altcoins: +0.703%
Tethered BTC: +0.044%
Total market cap: $1,861,967,951,065 (-14.36%)
Bitcoin: $794,027,045,546 (42.645%)
Bitcoin forks: $13,862,292,437 (0.744%)
Stablecoins: $123,336,328,039 (6.624%)
Altcoins: $918,462,121,976 (49.327%)
Tethered BTC: $12,280,163,067 (0.660%)
This is the change compared to my last post:
Bitcoin: +1.341%
Bitcoin forks: -0.020%
Stablecoins: +1.000%
Altcoins: -2.339%
Tethered BTC: +0.019%