For answer to these questions, one will have to fully understand BGB business model.
In this eco-system, Bitcoin is the asset you invest in the Bot to get the growth benefits of the Bot. This way you get the additional advantage of appreciation in the value of your Bitcoin. Its like HODLing your BTC while letting it work for you in the forex market. In addition to that, BGB has its own digital asset - NUCLEUS(NCL) which is used as a medium of exchange to conduct transactions within the Bitcoin Growth Bot (BGB).
BGB Bot uses an advanced algorithm to profit from market volatility in the forex market. Its a comprehensive trading strategy which can produce steady growth, maintain a low-risk, and be verifiable by a third party. It is programmed in MQL4, using the MetaTrader 4 platform. Its trading is 100% transparent, monitored by third party, and accessible 24/7.
BGB has its own digital asset - Nucleus (NCL). Its a a digital token which is cryptographically secured by the Waves open-source blockchain platform. Nucleus Token (NCL) is a cryptocurrency or digital asset used as the ONLY medium of exchange to conduct transactions within the Bitcoin Growth Bot (BGB) ecosystem. NCL is the the ONLY means to fund the BGB Bot. It is also the sole asset for staking or transferring funds between users of the BGB platform. With all this utility, it creates an ever-increasing internal demand for NCL, which has a very limited and healthy circulating supply.
With the value of cryptocurrencies expected to see historical growth, being able to fund an automated trading bot that can trade in the forex market with Bitcoin, creates a phenomenal investment opportunity. Its low risk to reward ratio ensures sustainability for years to come.
As seen over the past few years, the greatest return-on-investment opportunity lies in the value appreciation of the digital asset used as the medium of exchange to conduct transactions within the investment eco-system, reflecting the basic principle of supply and demand. The maximum supply of NCL is limited to a mere 19.1 million tokens worldwide, creating a value system based on deflation, and allowing the token value to appreciate with high demand and limited supply. And out of the total 19.1 million tokens, only an approximate 4.1 million tokens are in circulation. The circulating supply will stay within the 4.1 million range to promote a healthy ecosystem for the NCL tokens.
To begin an investment, you have to send NCL tokens, in equivalent value of the amount you wish to invest, to the Bitcoin Growth Bot Fund Management Program. NCL tokens sent by you get converted to BTC, and sent to the investment platform. An investment term is a period of 28 days in which your funds are locked. The investment term starts the day after initiated, lasts for 28 days, and funds are repaid the day after maturity. On maturity, total fund value (principal +/- growth) is paid back, in BTC, to the wallet that initiated the term.
NCL > BTC > Bot > 28 day term > BTC +/- performance
At the end of the 28 day term, to begin a new term and access Bitcoin Growth Bot, you will have to go through the 3 steps again and purchase new NCL tokens. This cycle generate a healthy and steady demand for NCL tokens as they MUST be used to participate in the Bitcoin Growth Bot INVESTMENT ECO-SYSTEM. You can buy, sell, and trade Nucleus Coin (NCL) directly on Waves decentralized exchange, a decentralised exchange (DEX) with no central organization involvement.
The eco-system sell a certain amount of tokens sent to the Bot, on the exchange, to fund the Bot. Others are held. The eco-system accumulate NCL too as they have BTC in reserve. Some are sold for marketing and growth resources.
Its the cryptocurrency tokens, with an actual utility, that are leading the way in the explosion of market capitalization of the cryptocurrency market, and NCL has the potential to appreciate hundreds of times over in the years ahead, just due to its utility alone.
Thus a customer can earn in 2 ways in this eco-system -
1) Growth from Bot plus Bitcoin asset value appreciation 2) Investing in and HOLDing NUCLEUS (NCL) for asset value appreciation as its utility keep on growing with the addition of more and more GLOBAL users of the Bot.