We were talking about whether or not gold's value is a learned trait or instinctual. You didn't address any points, you simply changed the subject. Gold's value does come from its specific traits, I've never said otherwise. But people still learn to value it, as opposed to being born valuing it as you were trying to maintain.
You started with "human perception" ("no no, gold has no inherent value") and ended up with "important qualities", lol. Whom are you going to fool? And now you dare blame with changing the subject, wtf?
Nevertheless, here's my post which you decided to outragingly ignore
I don't say that gold specifically is genetically programmed into us. But the prerequisites for its becoming valuable are. Gold just happened to be there...
We value what is useful, beneficial and attractive to us. These are the prerequisites I'm talking about. I assume you won't argue with the fact the perceptions of hunger, thirst and beauty are hard-coded into us? But should I say it again that this is irrelevant to the question discussed? If you want to talk about these issues, make a new topic and I will most likely post there...
I don't think anyone is quite happy reading this altercation