Gold Is the Money of Kings, Debt the Money of Slaves
================================== See there, even Senator Simpson finally stood up and spoke the Monetary truth! Of course at his age Senator Simpson hasn't got much left to fear for speaking any monetary truths.
Truth be told we only have fear itself to fear. They want us in fear. But there is nothing to really fear.
Nothing at all for private citizens in the USA, Japan, S. Korea, Canada, Australia. or Europe and other
places too. Their doing their level best to keep us all in fear though, thinking we can be brainwashed
into fearing this, that, and almost everything else. But that is their only tool in their lame playbook
besides trying to also intimidate us (the general population) too. But they cannot harm us and dare
don't harm hardly any of us. Sure they can destroy a persons public political future, or even do other
slights given enough motivation, but their not going to bother with what amounts to a widespread
monetary revolt before, during, or after and financial crashes and panics. Much less any major public
uprisings and major public demands.
And their not going to do anything but keep failing and blundering their way to failure
after failure until finally terminal failure. Their inept and incompetent. And worse. But there is
a bright side: History will keep right on rhyming, over and over again and again!
But just remember this: The wealthy ruling elite bought and paid for the best corrupt governments
that they could purchase and corrupt. And it wont last. It will end in terminal failure. It always has,
and always will. The only thing that lasts is societies itself, and finally realizing all the mistakes they
have made all over again, and finally fixing so many things that went so very wrong.
A few things are crystal clear:
1. Gold is Real Money.
2. Debt-based fiat is financial Slavery & Debt Bondage of the public and their governments into perpetuity, until finally abolished.
3. Bitcoin is also Real Money that cannot be counterfeited nor otherwise debased, thus ruined, nor can it be seized if appropriately held.
4. Therefore Bitcoin really is Monetary Freedom the likes of which is vastly superior to every other form of money before it, but something
lessor minds have trouble rapping their brains around for considerable time until they finally have their own light bulb light up in their brains.
Unlike all Centrally controlled currencies to date, no one can ever seize your properly secured, privately held bitcoins.
And unlike gold which always has the need and costs of physical storage requirements, plus , the inherent risks associated with such a thing the same is not true for Bitcoin since the evolution of advanced Bitcoin wallet technologies.
All this terrifies the very one's (the financial parasites and their shills) that Bitcoin is designed to defeat, and for extremely sound reasons. Maybe it scares others simply because they don't understand and grasp all that Bitcoin offers but they have nothing to fear.
Of course many older, long term gold bugs with an open mind realized Bitcoin was offering all of us: Real, true, dynamic Monetary Freedom that is vastly superior to anything else should it gain traction. Well it did gain traction. It arrived in earnest in 2013. And it wont be disappearing either. Already in 2014 massive, wide spreading interest from all parts of the world has gobbled up the millions of dollars worth of bitcoins that are created each and every day through global Bitcoin mining efforts.
So for all the naysayers, okay; Speak your mind, by all means, right here, as you so please. But at least try to come up with any sound, ration reason for your negativity, instead of just what amounts to just empty statements with nothing to back up your baseless claims. Of course there is nothing to back any of their claims either.
Except the next panics will very likely trigger the biggest Bond Crashes due to by far the biggest debt bubbles in all history. Banks are all capitalized on government bonds (debt). The whole system is propped up today on massive money counterfeiting since 1971, and unimaginable amounts since just 2008. China alone is said to have blown the worlds biggest debt bubble by themselves since just 2008 at 23+ Trillion dollars worth to date. It all ends badly. Either it all crashes down, or they endlessly debase (devalue) the worth of each and every currency. Simply put debt-based currencies are untenable, unworkable, horrifically flawed, and fully by their diabolical design created to enslave and extract wealth from societies at large for the benefit of only the owners of the central banks (their own member banks). It's a gigantic fraud. The worst, most evil scam in all human history. And here some nay Sayers try to say what? Get real.
Even with limitless money creation out of thin air for zero costs to them digitally speaking these days they still cannot save the horrifically flawed monetary system they utilized to enslave the worlds masses for nearly the last century. To be certain they will attempt yet another new set of schemes and scams to save their power and control but this time their destined to fail, horribly. And it doesn't take a genius to understand why. SDR's (Special Drawing Rights of the IMF) and whatever else their planning is nothing more than the same horribly flawed debt-based currency schemes. Even a middle of the road engineer or scientist could easily out fox these dimwitted banking clowns. And one genius (or more) of programming experts certainly blew everything right out of the solar system with the monetary revolution that Bitcoin ushers in.
Another recent commenter stated many fear Freedom. Nonsense I dare say. The biggest running joke is on all those that thought and still think that they were/are free, when in fact they never, ever were free to begin with. Nor did they ever have any inalienable rights. But instead merely privileges that will surely be taken away as soon as they should ever need them the very most, should they ever really need them at all, more than ever thought possible. Our world and our lives are as much an illusion as they are real. Most don't understand that the foundations are awful shaky, but technology offers us all great futures if only we embrace what they can offer all of us.
Damn it people: your all in financial bondage to the bankers! They own you all. They OWN all of us!
i.e. We pay them and the other most wealthy ones interest on every dollar, yen, yuan, pound, franc, and euro in existence, forever, into perpetuity. It's truly debt based servitude/financial slavery. That has nothing in common with "freedom" in my playbook.
Who wouldn't want to be free from that debt servitude? Everyone would demand to be free of that if they only understood what is really reality. Yet already many have been informed, and soon most will have been informed. Soon an avalanche of good change is past due to occur.
So yes, in a sense the commenter was correct, many don't care to be free, and would rather let someone else run the company, and make the rules, and set the laws, and just be a private "citizen". Just remember though, the police often call us "subjects", and not citizens anymore. We have much to turn around.
Obviously most in the first world do fear to be capitalists, and instead choose to let others be the capitalists, and work for them instead of taking their chances on their own. That's okay. Not everyone is cut out to be a risk taker, much less a successful business proprietor of even a smaller corporation. Nothing is wrong with working for someone else, or being a teacher, fireman, or whatever.
But never forget it's the Private sector that pays the tab for Everything, even every last government contract and public employee and expense. And it's clear that governments world wide are out of control when it comes to fiscal spending and debt borrowing for many decades.
Society must earn their freedom.
Society must earn it's Rights and Liberties.
Society even in the 1st world lost those well over a century ago.
But are still conned into believing they have Rights, Freedom, and Liberties.
You DON'T. You have privileges, nothing more. But good changes are already past due!
Of course the wealthy elite often seem to always get away with almost anything, and lately, everything. After all, the bankers illegally launder trillions of dollars and other currencies each and every year, and make much of their profits by doing so. Yet they keep getting away with that.
Ask yourself why?
Some will tell you they earned it, but that's not true. Instead they purchased that illegal privilege through various means, and even pay what amounts to minor fines in the billions when caught just for public relations sakes, but no executives or anyone else at the banks end up in prison. Why? Greater privileges of being above certain laws.
We are not free.
Never were.
We can be free.
But first we have to have honest, real money.
Bitcoin is that money.
And the bankers cannot capture us with it either.
Nor can they capture any government who strikes out on their own with their very own debt-FREE currencies, thus by passing the evil rein of their banking masters. Or even adopting something such as Bitcoin for their official legal tender should they choose. Of course then we have the follow the leader issue because only the biggest bullies (countries) are really free to do as they please. So see there, even most countries are not free. This is yet another reality that many refuse to want to believe, but sure as not accepting dollars for oil our masters will defeat your countries leadership and overthrow them at the very least!
So we know we must change things to ever become "civilized" and "advanced" societies.
The naysayers will say it will never happen. But it's already well underway. And we're about to sweep away the bankers rein of terror and tyranny.
Today the bankers are once again drawing the world into major wars, so they can massively profit from those wars, because the bankers are once again horribly failing, as they always will with such horribly flawed monetary issues such as debt-based fiat currencies. Thus history is again rhyming all over again.
By now the beginner is asking how is their own debt-based fiat money so deeply flawed: well for starters there will always be much more debt than there is money! How can that be one asks? As soon as a banker loans a government the first dollar/yen/euro/etc/ at 5% interest there will be owed to that banker the dollar, plus 5 cents for the interest on their debt after one year. But only a single dollar yet exists! Compound that through the magic of compounding interest and decades of money creation/loaning money into existence and the other magical ways banks create money out of thin air (by mere book keeping entries on various new loans) and here we all are on the edge of the financial cliff with bankers calling counterfeiting "QE" to misdirect and mislead the public. And us laughing at them calling it QE to infinity, in return. Or in other words even if they don't lose complete control the value of their currencies they loan us into existence they will swiftly be ruined by devaluing our currencies by the sudden, finally arrival of too many dollars, yen, euros, etc, chasing far too few goods. This is exactly why asset prices such as stocks and bonds are so extremely high today, and other assets too. But suddenly it can grow much, much worse. So far so good, but their track record speaks volumes about what comes next!
It wont last! And neither will Communism and Neo-Fascism last either. Nor will any form of Corporate-Neo-Fascism, or so called dictatorial fiefdoms falsely called communism. Or any form of State-Controlled Fascism, or a Neo-Blend of Corporate & State Controlled Fascism. Their all merely pages in history. Our past and present history. But they wont last.
Of course neither will this so called Crony Capitalism last either.
But they may all keep on repeating, over and over, and over again. Until finally we stop forgetting the lessons of our own ancestors history.
Real Capitalism will surely return soon, a much more honest, sincere, and humbled capitalism.
It's the finest form of society ever yet devised and has proven itself to be vastly superior when fully held in check.
And with it will come much more sensible, prudent laws and regulations, and well as stiff penalties for all. In other words history will again very much rhyme after the dust settles again. Never underestimate a furiously captured audience when they finally have had all their willing to endure.
History is rhyming, over and over, but the evil within will be overcome and defeated again. History will again rhyme, make no mistake, and severe losses will soon occur next for the vast majority. Guess what comes after that?
But other great things are also occurring at the same time. Satoshi Nakamoto and a hundreds of millions of others around the world are seeing to that.
And next up the biggest Bond Collapse of all time, or the biggest round of money printing and seemingly endless fiat devaluations will be in the financial history books. Either way their already in their final act. The last act is always Monetary Bubbles of Last Resort. Of course any serious student of both history and economics would already know this. Well now the reader does too.
And let's not even touch upon the other unthinkable things that may yet still occur on the way back to monetary sanity, and fiscal prudence.
Let's look ahead, but never again forget histories lessons, especially histories economic lessons, so that we can finally be truly free, at least monetarily speaking. Step one is Monetary Freedom. So step one is to...END THE FED. (Federal Reserve Inc., a privately held banking cartel).
Without that we wont ever really be free, and wont ever have any real Freedom.
Bitcoin doesn't reward failure.
Real Capitalism doesn't reward failure.
Only Tyrants and Dictators reward their own failures.
Then cap them off with not only bailouts, backstops, and guarantees.
And also add further insult by demanding bonuses for failure.
And then Austerity for the masses that they shifted their losses to.
All while they privatize all the profits for only themselves as much as possible.
Next up they will demand "bail-in's" by way of stealing directly from savers.
The FED is a complete and utter failure. So too are all the Central Banks in this world.
Their all Losers, Failures. Scams, full of Schemes, that must be made illegal.
No, the naysayers are as lame and limp as their cowardly banking masters.
And their time is just about up too!
Quiet Please: Yes...I can hear Satoshi laughing, sitting there saying...Checkmate Banksters!
Bitcoin is Freedom.