It's called "black swan event", dumbo.
We just accidentally pump LTC to 1 bln cap before BTC gets dumped to half that cap. Consecutively LTC rises further, everyone migrates to 'Litecointalk' and this forum is renamed 'Gavincointalk' and that'll be the end of the story.
Or there is a resolution of the 1 MB problem in Bitcoin with an increase in the blocksize limit and some sort of allowance for further increases in the future. Bitcoin booms and those alts that have a fixed blocksize limit get dumped into oblivion, starting of course with Litecoin.
Edit: I have nothing against Litecoin, but seriously the Litecoin community has had ample time to show some innovation and deal with this issue. This has been going on in Bitcoin since 2010 long before Litecoin even existed.
Unlikely. A meltdown in btc marketcap leading up to the fork event can be expected. The thing is pretty much irreversible already. The clock is ticking for BTC suicide and there is nothing anyone can do about it. People are jumping ships which is the only rational thing to do.
This LTC pump is just leading up to a much larger pump. Deniers like you will be the ones buying at the top.
Even if Gavincoin doesn't take hold and is dismissed by the community it still keeps lurking in the shadow and will put investors in unease. So btc is really tarnished now.