If they are going to treat it as property, how would mined coins by a company set up as a corporation be treated? My impression is that per the IRS's position, bitcoins mined would be the same as a the creation of a product you create/produce for sale but does not sell. It becomes on the shelf inventory, and there is no taxable event until it sells. This applies to all companies that make products through a process, hard materials or digital. If you own a software application, or a script (plugin) you developed, and sell it for $50 per copy, and make 1000 copies on CDROM, you don't owe the IRS taxes on the copies until they sell. It's all 1s and 0s, so what difference is there between using computers to create scripts or plugins or software, or bitcoins? All property right? You just have to view it from a manufacturing standpoint. And the fact that they have ruled it is property, the manufacturing stance would in my opinion apply. Manufacturing being the creation of something tangible "property" from the use of labor, machines, raw materials, and energy resources. So you mine the coins, put them on paper wallets as inventory to sell. But hold them... For sale at a later date, which would be taxable. You'd have to set up an s-corp to do this, or is my thinking way off??
They are essentially saying that mining is more like receiving in trade than creating it yourself.
It's a rule they made, in some sense doesn't have to be logical (as long as they can defend it in court), but if you want a logical basis for it, that's it right there.
You could argue that any product you produce or manufacture, digital or hard goods, has value... Whether you are making copies of a script or software package, selling music CDs, DVDs of movies you produce, or you make widgets that have real value in the marketplace... Unless you sell them, there is no taxable event. Mining is a process in which something is made. The bitcoin does not exist before you mine it. The block ledger is not prewritten. If it was, their ruling would apply as it would be a transfer of something that is already in existence.
But Bitcoins don't exist before they are mined. Not in any way shape or form. Otherwise people would make them before the block got that far ahead. They are manufactured through a process. After which, they are a product. Shelve them.