Are you kidding? Gold has barely moved in the recent days (was sticking around 0.3-0.5% daily) as always, while bitcoin has been moving about an order stronger than that, that is 3-5% daily. Could you name a day in the recent years (I am not even speaking of months) when gold made even 3% daily?
Today Bitcoin has already made something around 8%
Gold stability has already reached it's climax, and its volatility wont move up or down alot in the long future.
I don't think so. Anything can happen, and, I'm afraid, is already happening. But in any case, Bitcoin volatility will by far surpass that of gold...
And you can't use Bitcoin charts starting from 2010, when it was pretty much in obscurity
Are you sure that you properly understand what volatility is? There is no such thing as downward volatility as well as upward volatility. Volatility is a measure of variance. Most often, standard deviation is used to numerically express the value of volatility. Do you know how it is calculated?
I am, since it went over 250. I expect it to come close to 300 (if ever) and then back to 200, and probably even below that. Time will tell