I'm curious whether it is really so hard to understand (my point)? No one is going to go just after you personally if government decides to ban bitcoin. If it is outlawed in earnest with real punishment up to, say, 10 years in prison (as had been the case with bullion gold in the USA), it means that someone (and, in fact, most bitcoin holders) will get caught eventually. But even before that people will shy from bitcoin (you guess what happens to bitcoin thereby), while to ban gold (including jewelery) would mean that virtually everyone should be stripped of gold...
Needless to say, the improbable ban of gold of this scale will most certainly cause social unrest we haven't seen for long and would be suicidal for any government (including dictatorship)
Well i dont think an allout ban on bitcoin wil happen because the thing is open source, anyone can remake it very easily.
You will need 10 new agencies to be created to monitor "illegal bitcoin holders" which neither the governments have money for, nor they are willing to do (atleast for the moment).
Also they wont ban it because many big banks are interested in it, and these banks control the governments to, by banning it, they lose their core interests. Bankers also knwo that the game is about to go out, so they will just quickly switch to the new paradigm, so that it would look like our saviours that promote bitcoin just to save their asses, otherwise the angry mobs would hate them.
So as I see a bankster push for bitcoin acceptance and technology, they wont ban it. Instead they will regulate it, and tax it, and try to drive out competition, once the big bank crypto currencies will be ready.
I dont know who would buy GoldmanSachsCoin , but the fact is that both megabanks and governments need crypto currencies.
However they don't need gold. Central banks nowadays hardly have any gold (in the western world atleast) and they dont really want people to reuse gold again, so they will most likely push for the digital version of it.
I think gold is outdated, i cannot see people for 100 from now in flying saucers holding gold bars in their rusty gold chest when by then they could transfer digital money with their thoughts