Hopefully guys realize that if they have not established their own bitcoin stash in such a way that they either have enough or more than enough, that they should be continuing to stack BTC fairly aggressively, so yeah whatever BTC may or may not reach $300k this cycle, but $300k still should be considered as a big SO FUCKING WHAT? if guys are barely stacking bitcoin or if their average cost per BTC are still in the $30k to $50k price range.
We are likely not going to be slowing down in ongoingly witnessing these kinds of errors from folks who have some BTC and become somewhat complacent since probably even if they realize that they have not reached anywhere close to overaccumulation status they are ongoingly failing/refusing to work towards getting to such personal stash-size status. Whimpiness has paid off in the past, and sure it may still pay off in the future, yet potentially not as exponentially as it historically has done.. even though bitcoin still does remain to likely be the best of places to invest, the exponential nature of its growth curve is slowly becoming less and less steep.
So with you, LUCKMCFLY, you have been on the forum for more than 7 years.... hopefully you are continuing to work towards overaccumulation status in your BTC holdings in the event that you have not yet reached such status and/or if you might be too distracted by shitcoins (hahahahaha.. .sorry (not sorry) to go there... some of my good friends are shitcoiners.. and sometimes difficult to help someone to save themself from themself)..
It's true sir, those who are new will think about their investment plan for the long term, they will arrange many strategies to continue buying in order to be able to build bitcoin savings with an increase every week by buying regularly.
In addition, big money continues to flow into bitcoin, so it's not just newcomers with initial accumulation levels who continue to buy bitcoin, I think those who have been around for a long time also continue to buy bitcoin because I'm sure all of them have not reached a level of satisfaction.