The shocking news of Donald Trump’s election victory rattled markets
It wasnt shocking at all.
U guys got it all wrong about Trump. Dude with a cummy fuckable wick is not a middlebrow ponce in a presidential chair, and decisions he had made throughout his carrier actually foresee his presidency, which, I believe, was the part of his big plan from the beginning. I mean huge plan to make more richies in the fastest ways possible.
Hes got the stellar inheritance from his dad and pushed family's private real estate deeds far beyond the imagination of everyday illiterate american brain. So it is. I dont see a similar scenario in which that bitch rather lands her fat ass in the presidential chair. Trump should have won and he won. Ever since, he had been multiplying his money, ditching in the shadows and finalizing up his preparations till he gets the time, the right time to act, the right chair and title to make it all implicitly perfect. Why do u think golds back to magnets and keeps falling while stock gets pumped to lunar orbit?
Treasury bonds up and kicking, and look at the interest rates pulling the tides! Its just that Trumps in action, hes got all worlds hype now, hes got the big fat cats rolling the ball down the hill for him, ceding ground for more money prints, and huge commercial establishments rebuilds. Woah! This means Trumps buying up bonds and stocks in large quantities (I hope he has accumulated enough in the long-run though), steeper inflation, bonds hiking up, and bump in monetary supply which is at 3317 billion USD at the time of this writing. Dollar inflation is good for bitcoin but those who look for correlation between gold and bitcoin and never find it though, will soon have to reconsider their stance when bitcoin bumps past gold prices as the threat arises that real estate enters into the bubble. Profit taking is how thats called. Ya know, what u have learned from the past recessions including 2008 crysis is what ull again fall victims for. Property pricing would lift up in normal environment, without any Trumps, but huge astronomic bonds bubble means CDS and CDO's back into play, and thats attributable to the new recession of unseen magnitude. Trump is da dude! Post bubble US markets would be eager to curb the demand for bitcoin which is to rebuild from the ashes the new post-trump economy. Crypto economy.