
Topic: Bitcoin puzzle transaction ~32 BTC prize to who solves it - page 106. (Read 215705 times)

Activity: 122
Merit: 11
why you can not solve 130 then with this code ?

Cause 130 isn't  60 i guess...

jr. member
Activity: 32
Merit: 1
Activity: 462
Merit: 24
many people make similar mistakes when they are in a hurry. To be honest, I only noticed the error myself.
The main thing is that 1000 kW hours of energy were not wasted. Please Smiley

Thank you very much - I changed it in the original post. This is proof that I'm not an AI...I admit when I'm wrong. Grin

anyway,  I just solved Puzzle 60 in 16 seconds

  • STARTED: Sat Dec 23 11:52:59 2023
  • [Puzzle]: 60
  • [Lower range limit]: 576460752303423488
  • [Upper range limit]: 1152921504606846975
  • [Using  12 CPU cores for parallel search]:
  • [Core]: 11, [Random seed]: b'a\xc6?\xb5\xd8$\xc9*\xe1'
  • [Core]: 12, [Random seed]: b'\x17\xd7%&\xaa&\xbfL\x94'
  • [Core]: 02, [Random seed]: b'\xca[s\xfex3\x9d\xe3I'
  • [Core]: 04, [Random seed]: b'\xf9\x84Z\x16\xeb\xd4\xef%\x83'
  • [Core]: 03, [Random seed]: b'\xab\xba\xaa\x90\xd0\xd5H\xa0\xeb'
  • [Core]: 05, [Random seed]: b'\xd6\x1aA{]\xb3s\xc8\x0f'
  • [Core]: 06, [Random seed]: b'<\x04t\xacV0LB\xc5'
  • [Core]: 08, [Random seed]: b'\xde\x1d\x1f\xef\xab\x8aL\xbb\xc6'
  • [Core]: 10, [Random seed]: b'\x03\xadO\x97\xd8\xdf \xf4\x08'
  • [Core]: 11, [Random seed]: b'*E\x99\xf3f\xe9\xf6\xb48'
  • [Core]: 12, [Random seed]: b'\xa0\xb7\xf4r\xc2*\x1b"\xc4'
  • [Core]: 01, [Random seed]: b'ahP+B\xb6rJ\xf6'
  • PUZZLE SOLVED: Sat Dec 23 11:53:15 2023, total time: 16.213455915 sec
  • WIF:  KwDiBf89QgGbjEhKnhXJuH7LrciVrZi3qYkzijLsc5qE43yZ5eLV
  • PUZZLE SOLVED! Stopping the loop.
import sys, os, time, hashlib, gmpy2, random, multiprocessing
from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count
from gmpy2 import mpz
import secp256k1 as ice

t = time.ctime()
sys.stdout.write(f"\033[01;33m[+] STARTED: {t}\n")

GX = gmpy2.mpz(0x79BE667EF9DCBBAC55A06295CE870B07029BFCDB2DCE28D959F2815B16F81798)
GY = gmpy2.mpz(0x483ADA7726A3C4655DA4FBFC0E1108A8FD17B448A68554199C47D08FFB10D4B8)

class Point:
    def __init__(self, x=0, y=0):
        self.x = gmpy2.mpz(x)
        self.y = gmpy2.mpz(y)

PG = Point(GX, GY)
ZERO_POINT = Point(0, 0)

def multiply_by_2(P, p=MODULO):
    x_squared = P.x**2 % p
    c = (3 * x_squared * gmpy2.invert((P.y + P.y) % p, p)) % p

    R = Point()
    R.x = (c**2 - 2 * P.x) % p
    R.y = (c * (P.x - R.x) - P.y) % p

    return R

def add_points(P, Q, p=MODULO):
    dx = Q.x - P.x
    dx_inv = gmpy2.invert(dx, p)
    dy_dx_inv = (Q.y - P.y) * dx_inv

    R = Point()
    R.x = (dy_dx_inv**2 - P.x - Q.x) % p
    R.y = (dy_dx_inv * (P.x - R.x) - P.y) % p

    return R

def mod_pow(base, exponent, modulus):
    result = 1
    base = base % modulus

    while exponent > 0:
        if exponent % 2 == 1:
            result = (result * base) % modulus
        exponent = exponent // 2
        base = (base * base) % modulus

    return result

def x_to_y(X, y_parity, p=MODULO):
    X_cubed = (X**3) % p
    X = (X_cubed + 7) % p

    Y = (p + 1) // 4
    tmp = mod_pow(X, Y, p)

    if gmpy2.is_odd(tmp) != y_parity:
        tmp = -tmp % p

    return tmp

def compute_point_table():
    points = [PG]
    for k in range(255):
    return points

POINTS_TABLE = compute_point_table()
STOP_EVENT = multiprocessing.Event()

def check(P, Pindex, DP_rarity, A, Ak, B, Bk):
    check = gmpy2.f_mod(P.x, DP_rarity)
    if check == 0:
        message = "\r[+] [Pindex]: {}".format(Pindex)
        messages = []
        output = ''.join(messages) + "\r"
        return comparator(A, Ak, B, Bk)
        return False

def comparator(A, Ak, B, Bk):
    global STOP_EVENT
    result = set(A).intersection(set(B))

    if result:
        t = time.ctime()
        total_time = time.time() - starttime
        sol_kt = A.index(next(iter(result)))
        sol_kw = B.index(next(iter(result)))
        HEX = "%064x" % abs(Ak[sol_kt] - Bk[sol_kw])
        dec = int(HEX, 16)
        wifc = ice.btc_pvk_to_wif(HEX)
        wifu = ice.btc_pvk_to_wif(HEX, False)
        caddr = ice.privatekey_to_address(0, True, dec)  
        uaddr = ice.privatekey_to_address(0, False, dec)
        pid = os.getpid()  # Get the process ID
        core_number = pid % cpu_count()  # Calculate the CPU core number
        print(f"\033[32m[+] PUZZLE SOLVED: {t}, total time: {total_time:.9f} sec, Core: {core_number+1:02} \033[0m")
        print(f"\033[32m[+] WIF: \033[32m {wifc} \033[0m")
        with open("KEYFOUNDKEYFOUND.txt", "a") as file:
            file.write("\n\nSOLVED " + t)
            file.write(f"\nTotal Time: {total_time:.9f} sec")
            file.write("\nPrivate Key (decimal): " + str(dec))
            file.write("\nPrivate Key (hex): " + HEX)
            file.write("\nPrivate key (wif) Compressed : " + wifc)
            file.write("\nPrivate key (wif) Uncompressed: " + wifu)
            file.write("\nBitcoin address Compressed: " + caddr)
            file.write("\nBitcoin address Uncompressed: " + uaddr)

        STOP_EVENT.set()  # Set the stop event to signal all processes


def ecmultiply(k, P=PG, p=MODULO):
    if k == 0:
        return ZERO_POINT
    elif k == 1:
        return P
    elif k % 2 == 0:
        if k in ECMULTIPLY_MEMO:
            return ECMULTIPLY_MEMO[k]
            result = ecmultiply(k // 2, multiply_by_2(P, p), p)
            ECMULTIPLY_MEMO[k] = result
            return result
        return add_points(P, ecmultiply((k - 1) // 2, multiply_by_2(P, p), p))

def mulk(k, P=PG, p=MODULO):
    if k == 0:
        return ZERO_POINT
    elif k == 1:
        return P
    elif k % 2 == 0:
        return mulk(k // 2, multiply_by_2(P, p), p)
        return add_points(P, mulk((k - 1) // 2, multiply_by_2(P, p), p))

def generate_powers_of_two(hop_modulo):
    return [mpz(1 << pw) for pw in range(hop_modulo)]

# Configuration for the Puzzle
puzzle = 60
compressed_public_key = "0348e843dc5b1bd246e6309b4924b81543d02b16c8083df973a89ce2c7eb89a10d"
lower_range_limit = 2 ** (puzzle - 1)
upper_range_limit = (2 ** puzzle) - 1
power = (puzzle // cpu_count()) + 1
Nt = Nw = (2 ** power // puzzle) * puzzle + cpu_count()
DP_rarity = (puzzle * puzzle)
hop_modulo = (puzzle // 2) + cpu_count()

powers_of_two = generate_powers_of_two(hop_modulo)
T, t, dt = [], [], []
W, w, dw = [], [], []

if len(compressed_public_key) == 66:
    X = mpz(compressed_public_key[2:66], 16)
    Y = x_to_y(X, mpz(compressed_public_key[:2]) - 2)
    print("[error] pubkey len(66/130) invalid!")

print(f"[+] [Puzzle]: {puzzle}")
print(f"[+] [Lower range limit]: {lower_range_limit}")
print(f"[+] [Upper range limit]: {upper_range_limit}")

W0 = Point(X, Y)
starttime = oldtime = time.time()
Hops = 0

def search_worker(
    Nt, Nw, puzzle, power, starttime, lower_range_limit, upper_range_limit
    global STOP_EVENT
    pid = os.getpid()
    core_number = pid % cpu_count()
    #Random Seed Config
    constant_prefix = b''  # b'' is back to no constant
    prefix_length = len(constant_prefix)
    length = 9
    ending_length = length - prefix_length
    ending_bytes = os.urandom(ending_length)
    random_bytes = constant_prefix + ending_bytes
    print(f"[+] [Core]: {core_number+1:02}, [Random seed]: {random_bytes}")
    t = [mpz(random.randint(lower_range_limit, upper_range_limit)) for _ in range(Nt)]
    T = [mulk(ti) for ti in t]
    dt = [mpz(0) for _ in range(Nt)]
    w = [mpz(random.randint(lower_range_limit, upper_range_limit)) for _ in range(Nw)]
    W = [add_points(W0, mulk(wk)) for wk in w]
    dw = [mpz(0) for _ in range(Nw)]

    Hops, Hops_old = 0, 0
    oldtime = time.time()
    starttime = oldtime

    while True:
        for k in range(Nt):
            Hops += 1
            pw = T[k].x % hop_modulo
            dt[k] = powers_of_two[pw]
            solved = check(T[k], t[k], DP_rarity, T, t, W, w)
            if solved:
            t[k] = mpz(t[k]) + dt[k]  # Use mpz here
            T[k] = add_points(POINTS_TABLE[pw], T[k])

        for k in range(Nw):
            Hops += 1
            pw = W[k].x % hop_modulo
            dw[k] = powers_of_two[pw]
            solved = check(W[k], w[k], DP_rarity, W, w, T, t)
            if solved:
            w[k] = mpz(w[k]) + dw[k]  # Use mpz here
            W[k] = add_points(POINTS_TABLE[pw], W[k])

        if STOP_EVENT.is_set():

if __name__ == "__main__":
    process_count = cpu_count()
    print(f"[+] [Using  {process_count} CPU cores for parallel search]:")

    # Create a pool of worker processes
    pool = Pool(process_count)
    results = pool.starmap(
        * process_count,

Loop script in bash (seed hunter)

while true; do
    timeout 30 python3
    sleep 2
    if [ -n "$(find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -name 'KEYFOUNDKEYFOUND.txt' -print -quit)" ]; then
        echo "[+] PUZZLE SOLVED! Stopping the loop."

set the timeout as you wish.
Activity: 93
Merit: 16
Script for check / generating address + wif and hex key. P2PKH Compressed / UnCompressed address.
If you need an address without an online service.
Python 2.7 code:
#! /usr/bin/env python

import random
from ecdsa.ecdsa import int_to_string
from ecdsa.ecdsa import string_to_int
from binascii import hexlify
import hashlib

class CurveFp( object ):
  def __init__( self, p, a, b ):
    self.__p = p
    self.__a = a
    self.__b = b

  def p( self ):
    return self.__p

  def a( self ):
    return self.__a

  def b( self ):
    return self.__b

  def contains_point( self, x, y ):
    return ( y * y - ( x * x * x + self.__a * x + self.__b ) ) % self.__p == 0

class Point( object ):
  def __init__( self, curve, x, y, order = None ):
    self.__curve = curve
    self.__x = x
    self.__y = y
    self.__order = order
    if self.__curve: assert self.__curve.contains_point( x, y )
    if order: assert self * order == INFINITY
  def __add__( self, other ):
    if other == INFINITY: return self
    if self == INFINITY: return other
    assert self.__curve == other.__curve
    if self.__x == other.__x:
      if ( self.__y + other.__y ) % self.__curve.p() == 0:
        return INFINITY
        return self.double()

    p = self.__curve.p()
    l = ( ( other.__y - self.__y ) * \
          inverse_mod( other.__x - self.__x, p ) ) % p
    x3 = ( l * l - self.__x - other.__x ) % p
    y3 = ( l * ( self.__x - x3 ) - self.__y ) % p
    return Point( self.__curve, x3, y3 )

  def __mul__( self, other ):
    def leftmost_bit( x ):
      assert x > 0
      result = 1L
      while result <= x: result = 2 * result
      return result / 2

    e = other
    if self.__order: e = e % self.__order
    if e == 0: return INFINITY
    if self == INFINITY: return INFINITY
    assert e > 0
    e3 = 3 * e
    negative_self = Point( self.__curve, self.__x, -self.__y, self.__order )
    i = leftmost_bit( e3 ) / 2
    result = self
    while i > 1:
      result = result.double()
      if ( e3 & i ) != 0 and ( e & i ) == 0: result = result + self
      if ( e3 & i ) == 0 and ( e & i ) != 0: result = result + negative_self
      i = i / 2
    return result

  def __rmul__( self, other ):
    return self * other

  def __str__( self ):
    if self == INFINITY: return "infinity"
    return "(%d,%d)" % ( self.__x, self.__y )

  def double( self ):
    if self == INFINITY:
      return INFINITY

    p = self.__curve.p()
    a = self.__curve.a()
    l = ( ( 3 * self.__x * self.__x + a ) * \
          inverse_mod( 2 * self.__y, p ) ) % p
    x3 = ( l * l - 2 * self.__x ) % p
    y3 = ( l * ( self.__x - x3 ) - self.__y ) % p
    return Point( self.__curve, x3, y3 )

  def x( self ):
    return self.__x

  def y( self ):
    return self.__y

  def curve( self ):
    return self.__curve
  def order( self ):
    return self.__order
INFINITY = Point( None, None, None )

def inverse_mod( a, m ):
  if a < 0 or m <= a: a = a % m
  c, d = a, m
  uc, vc, ud, vd = 1, 0, 0, 1
  while c != 0:
    q, c, d = divmod( d, c ) + ( c, )
    uc, vc, ud, vd = ud - q*uc, vd - q*vc, uc, vc
  assert d == 1
  if ud > 0: return ud
  else: return ud + m

# secp256k1
_b  = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000007L
_a  = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000L
_Gx = 0x79BE667EF9DCBBAC55A06295CE870B07029BFCDB2DCE28D959F2815B16F81798L
_Gy = 0x483ada7726a3c4655da4fbfc0e1108a8fd17b448a68554199c47d08ffb10d4b8L

class Public_key( object ):
  def __init__( self, generator, point ):
    self.curve = generator.curve()
    self.generator = generator
    self.point = point
    n = generator.order()
    if not n:
      raise RuntimeError, "Generator point must have order."
    if not n * point == INFINITY:
      raise RuntimeError, "Generator point order is bad."
    if point.x() < 0 or n <= point.x() or point.y() < 0 or n <= point.y():
      raise RuntimeError, "Generator point has x or y out of range."

curve_256 = CurveFp( _p, _a, _b )
generator_256 = Point( curve_256, _Gx, _Gy, _r )
g = generator_256

b58_digits = '123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz'

### generate privkey
randrange = random.SystemRandom().randrange
n = g.order()
#n = 115792089237316195423570985008687907852837564279074904382605163141518161494337

ripehash ='ripemd160')

def b58encode(b):
n = int('0x0' + hexlify(b).decode('utf8'), 16)
res = []
while n > 0:
n, r = divmod (n, 58)
res = ''.join(res[::-1])
import sys
czero = b'\x00'
if sys.version > '3':
czero = 0
pad = 0
for c in b:
if c == czero: pad += 1
else: break
return b58_digits[0] * pad + res


#Compress_fl = 0 # UNCompressed
Compress_fl = 1 # Compressed

### Start generate secret
password = "123" # SET PASSWORD -----------------------!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!----------------------- SET PASSWORD
#password = raw_input('Your string here:')
sha1 = hashlib.sha256(password).digest()
temp1 = string_to_int(sha1)
secret_bw = temp1 # brainwallet
### End generate secret

#secret = secret_bw # brainwallet

secret = randrange( 1, 2**256 )


#secret = 0xf13b87e9L # PointX len 62

#secret = 0xF7051F27B09112D4

print '====================================================================================='
print 'Secret Key: '
print hex(secret)
print '====================================================================================='

### generate pubkey
myp = g * secret
### generate address

print "Points: "

px_str = hex(myp.x())[2:-1]
py_str = hex(myp.y())[2:-1]

while len(px_str) < 64:
    #print 'px_str: ', len(px_str)
    px_str = '0' + px_str

while len(py_str) < 64:
    #print 'py_str: ', len(py_str)
    py_str = '0' + py_str

print px_str
print py_str

print '====================================================================================='

# if Compressed address
if myp.y() % 2 == 0:
y_parity = '\x02'
pk_y_parity = '02'
#print "02" + px_str
y_parity = '\x03'
pk_y_parity = '03'
#print "03" + px_str

# Public Key
if Compress_fl:
    pk = pk_y_parity + px_str
    pk = '04' + px_str + py_str
print 'Public Key: '
print pk
print '====================================================================================='

# !!! NORMALIZE Length !!!
print 'NORMALIZE Length PointX and PointY'
# Point X
px_string = int_to_string(myp.x())

if len(px_string) < 32:
    print 'NORMALIZE Length PointX: ', len(px_string)

while len(px_string) < 32:
    px_string = '\x00' + px_string

print 'Check len PointX: ', len(px_string)

# Point Y
py_string = int_to_string(myp.y())

if len(py_string) < 32:
    print 'NORMALIZE Length PointY: ', len(py_string)

while len(py_string) < 32:
    py_string = '\x00' + py_string

print 'Check len PointY: ', len(py_string)

print '====================================================================================='

if Compress_fl:
    step1_mod = y_parity + px_string  # Compressed
    step1_mod = '\x04' + px_string + py_string # UNCompressed

# End

step2 = hashlib.sha256(step1_mod).digest()

print "Pubkey sha256: "
istep2 = string_to_int(step2)
Psha256 = hex(istep2)[2:-1]
print Psha256
print '====================================================================================='

step3 = ripehash.digest()
address160 = hex(string_to_int(step3))[2:-1]
print "Address hash160: "
print address160
step4 = '\x00' + ripehash.digest()
step5 = hashlib.sha256(step4).digest()
step6 = hashlib.sha256(step5).digest()
chksum = step6[:4]
addr = step4 + chksum
address = b58encode(addr)
#print address
### Convert private key to wallet import format
wif1 = int_to_string(secret)
i = 0;
while  i < (64 - len(hex(secret)[2:-1])) / 2:
wif1 = '\x00' + wif1
i = i + 1

#wif2 = '\x80' + wif1
# Compressed privkey
if Compress_fl:
    wif2 = '\x80' + wif1 + '\x01' # Compressed privkey
    addr_mode_str = 'Compressed'
    wif2 = '\x80' + wif1 #        # UNCompressed privkey
    addr_mode_str = 'UnCompressed'

wif3 = hashlib.sha256(wif2).digest()
wif4 = hashlib.sha256(wif3).digest()
wif5 = wif4[:4]
wif6 = wif2 + wif5
wif = b58encode(wif6)
#print wif
### Save address and private key in priv.txt
hexsecret = hex(secret)

file_name = 'p_r_v.txt'

f = open(file_name, 'a')
f.write('\n'.join([addr_mode_str + ' Address: ' + address, 'Address hash160:    ' + address160, 'Secret wif: ' + wif, 'Secret hex: ' + hexsecret, 'PK: ' + pk, \
                   'Px: ' + px_str, 'Py: ' + py_str + '\n\n' ]))
print '====================================================================================='
print 'Save ' + addr_mode_str + ' Address: ' + address
print 'Save Address hash160:    ' + address160
print 'Save WIF PrivKey: ' + wif
print 'Save Hex PrivKey: ' + hexsecret
print 'Save Public Key:  ' + pk
print '====================================================================================='
raw_input("... Press Enter")
raise SystemExit
Result output + write in file p_r_v.txt
Compressed Address: 18cdpW3P6imyDz6w622nYAGXvSznCM5om9
Address hash160:    53862c90c2a994c7a874bb091f9b8e51fcdaa06c
Secret wif: L3zSyzX1ky3QbEcvC6fHE9eDyuznswoDCsvGvCeiTuH2fkmN3L2G
Secret hex: 0xca0a0ca7838e9dfee4aaa0cfbee29b69a8f67dae595d993a71fdaab4a01287e2L
PK: 029c5b2d21be2b2bbeca4ac1cf1233c591e1127a355cdd564c880e88f98985efe7
Px: 9c5b2d21be2b2bbeca4ac1cf1233c591e1127a355cdd564c880e88f98985efe7
Py: 3c36a84972cbe787b26822596014625fa801981f38c56597d0c03f38f3ee93bc

Compressed Address: 16jY7qLJnxb7CHZyqBP8qca9d51gAjyXQN
Address hash160:    3ee4133d991f52fdf6a25c9834e0745ac74248a4
Secret wif: KwDiBf89QgGbjEhKnhXJuH7LrciVrZi3qZ6FxoaD5r1kYegmtbaT
Secret hex: 0xf7051f27b09112d4L
PK: 03100611c54dfef604163b8358f7b7fac13ce478e02cb224ae16d45526b25d9d4d
Px: 100611c54dfef604163b8358f7b7fac13ce478e02cb224ae16d45526b25d9d4d
Py: 5127c2d0b1c4a4d5b4996bbdf37633b86901d0303b61e2f6f0772282ae08ff95

Hello all, is there any python code for public key addition and checking it's hash ?
Yes, look at the iceland2k14/secp256k1 script and create your script to fit within his script.

Also, what do you mean by "checking it's hash"? H160?
Yes , hash160 . I saw his code , I am just good at math but very bad at programming so I couldn't understand the code honestly


import sys, secrets, secp256k1 as ice
while True:
    dec = secrets.SystemRandom().randrange(36893488147419103231, 73786976294838206463)
    h160 = ice.privatekey_to_h160(1, True, dec).hex()
    message = "\r{}".format(h160);messages = []
    messages.append(message);output = "\033[01;33m" + ''.join(messages) + "\r"
    if h160 == "20d45a6a762535700ce9e0b216e31994335db8a5":
        HEX = "%064x" % dec;wifc = ice.btc_pvk_to_wif(HEX)
        with open("KEYFOUNDKEYFOUND.txt", "a") as f:
          f.write(f'Private key (wif) Compressed : {wifc}\n')

Im found ERROR. The code search address type P2SH. Still looking for a P2SH address?
For search P2PKH address replace str:
h160 = ice.privatekey_to_h160(1, True, dec).hex()
to str:
h160 = ice.privatekey_to_h160(0, True, dec).hex()

def _privatekey_to_h160(addr_type, iscompressed, pvk_int):
    # type = 0 [p2pkh],  1 [p2sh],  2 [bech32]

I don’t want to upset anyone, but many people make similar mistakes when they are in a hurry. To be honest, I only noticed the error myself.
The main thing is that 1000 kW hours of energy were not wasted. Please Smiley
Activity: 93
Merit: 16
There is a phone with a 64-bit processor. Don't you know?
I didn’t know..., that means I’m behind Smiley They are not common among all users, we need to wait another 8 years, then 66 bits will be solved and we’ll move on to 67 bits. You can port the code, I think it won’t take much time.
I don't have such a phone to test the program.
jr. member
Activity: 54
Merit: 1

Digaran. When phones with 64-bit CPUs appear, I will port the program code for the phone, especially for you Smiley

There is a phone with a 64-bit processor. Don't you know?

Asus ZenFone 2

Intel Atom Z3580
4x 2.33 GHz Atom Z3580    

went on sale 8 years ago
Activity: 93
Merit: 16
It will be much faster on the E8400 CPU Smiley 1 thread.
the mod 12.

Digaran. When phones with 64-bit CPUs appear, I will port the program code for the phone, especially for you Smiley
Activity: 272
Merit: 20
the right steps towerds the goal
First 4 Bytes of all solved 20:3F puzzle... Someone Notice Something Here ?

Puzzle: 02 frontHex: 00000003 Binary: 000000000000000000000000000011        Zeros: 0        Ones: 2 
Puzzle: 06 frontHex: 00000031 Binary: 000000000000000000000000110001        Zeros: 3        Ones: 3
Puzzle: 10 frontHex: 00000202 Binary: 000000000000000000001000000010        Zeros: 8        Ones: 2
Puzzle: 14 frontHex: 00002930 Binary: 000000000000000010100100110000        Zeros: 9        Ones: 5
Puzzle: 18 frontHex: 0003080d Binary: 000000000000110000100000001101        Zeros: 12       Ones: 6
Puzzle: 22 frontHex: 002de40f Binary: 000000001011011110010000001111        Zeros: 10       Ones: 12
Puzzle: 26 frontHex: 0340326e Binary: 000011010000000011001001101110        Zeros: 15       Ones: 11
puzzle: 30 frontHex: 3d94cd64 Binary: 111101100101001100110101100100        Zeros: 14        Ones: 16
puzzle: 34 frontHex: 34a65911 Binary: 110100101001100101100100010001        Zeros: 17        Ones: 13
puzzle: 38 frontHex: 22382fac Binary: 100010001110000010111110101100        Zeros: 16        Ones: 14
puzzle: 42 frontHex: 2a221c58 Binary: 101010001000100001110001011000        Zeros: 19        Ones: 11
puzzle: 46 frontHex: 2ec18388 Binary: 101110110000011000001110001000        Zeros: 18        Ones: 12
puzzle: 50 frontHex: 22bd43c2 Binary: 100010101111010100001111000010        Zeros: 16        Ones: 14
puzzle: 54 frontHex: 236fb6d5 Binary: 100011011011111011011011010101        Zeros: 11        Ones: 19
puzzle: 58 frontHex: 2c675b85 Binary: 101100011001110101101110000101        Zeros: 14        Ones: 16
puzzle: 62 frontHex: 363d541e Binary: 110110001111010101010000011110        Zeros: 14        Ones: 16
Activity: 122
Merit: 11
So, if we find it, from which wallet will we get the contents? Electrom? Or with what wallet? I'm very curious and I don't know. or bitcoin core wallet?
Range number telling how many public key we need for combinations, puzzle 66 needs 66 public keys for combinations, I can make video to proof what I am talking about. There are constant public keys you have to figure out it by yourself. I can share it with the creator of the puzzle for the purpose of this puzzle. I just want say HD wallet not safe because its zero padding system.

Just crack the puzzle then and stop talking ... It starts to be annoying that more and more people here shows weird ideas but in fact they know nothing.
I believe that's the way it should be, everyone has to start from somewhere, *I started my journey here as well. Talking like that to every newbie coming here trying to share ideas and learn is really discouraging. We have to teach them with kindness and patience, otherwise they'd never learn. Besides, this is a forum to talk about things, learn and teach, not a place for a selected few to quickly learn the ultimate tricks and empty all the puzzle keys to place more sats on their stash.

There is a solution for anyone without tolerance to read such posts, if you all just ignore everyone you don't like, then you'll never have to come here at all, because you have problems with everyone. But honestly this is not an accepted behaviour we keep seeing for the past few month. However if you could join the bitching party with your main accounts, then we'd have something to talk about, until then stick to the dig's rules = be kind to everyone and be patient, we'd like to see new comers unlocking their true potentials by our help, not to suppress their talents by such discouraging behaviour.

Note, I'm not pointing fingers at anyone specific, but they know who they are.

Here is the ending humor:
*= that was a mistake to give me room to grow, now you have to live with it. Lolz

Btw, in puzzle 66 there is no public key involved, it's unknown.

First: I believe it's obvious for everyone here that public keys are available only for every 5th address in the whole puzzle. And I also believe eveeryone here understand what does it mean and how it affect the ability of cracking a private key to such address.

As for the rest:  I think in this thread only valuable ideas like new tools or new way of approach to puzzle cracking should be shared. We can't write every thought here cause it will become one big mess.

The worst posts here are pathetic attepmts to sell you a range where a private key lies or some sort of other "valuable" information.

Next one group are posts like yours Digaran where you shows some calculations/substractions/etc. that don't contribute anything constructive into problem solving and nobody understands it.

There is also third annoying group of posts - "mystery posts". Some people like to pretend they know something but they don't want to share it with you now (of course they clearly don't know anything valuable but they like to sound mysterious).

Breaking  the 66 is impossible without MASSIVE computational power -some sort of GPU farm. I wouldn't count on luck here at all. It's all about power (and i guess that was the goal of this cracking challenge confusingly named "puzzle"). All we have here is blind brute forcing.

Breaking 130 is the same despite we have public key available but the range is incredibly massive. All we have here is brute forcing (pointless), BSGS and Kangaroo (pointless until you have hundreds or thousands of GPUs to solve it in resonable time).

jr. member
Activity: 149
Merit: 7
Just crack the puzzle then and stop talking ... It starts to be annoying that more and more people here shows weird ideas but in fact they know nothing.

agreed. this topic became a land of crazy logics that are just waste of time. to find #66 you need an optimized script with CUDA and enought computing power, everything besides this are just vaporware.
Activity: 122
Merit: 11
So, if we find it, from which wallet will we get the contents? Electrom? Or with what wallet? I'm very curious and I don't know. or bitcoin core wallet?
Range number telling how many public key we need for combinations, puzzle 66 needs 66 public keys for combinations, I can make video to proof what I am talking about. There are constant public keys you have to figure out it by yourself. I can share it with the creator of the puzzle for the purpose of this puzzle. I just want say HD wallet not safe because its zero padding system.

Just crack the puzzle then and stop talking ... It starts to be annoying that more and more people here shows weird ideas but in fact they know nothing.
Activity: 462
Merit: 24
Combinations is not a random generating! . Besides it's combinations of points on curve, not private keys.

 It is not feasible to directly select points on a curve that correspond to specific private key, especially without knowing the corresponding public key. Without the private key, it is virtually impossible to reverse the process.

On planet earth, on all the beaches in the world, the number of grains of sand is 2^77.
Now imagine people who add and subtract grains of sand to find the unique single grain in the desert (curve) .  Grin
Activity: 2
Merit: 0
So, if we find it, from which wallet will we get the contents? Electrom? Or with what wallet? I'm very curious and I don't know. or bitcoin core wallet?
Activity: 462
Merit: 24
Cuda can make this number of combinations per second?

You can measure it.

The "mersenne twister" is something that has been especially adapted for Nvidia to use at a thread level within threads of the same warp using thread id calls as seeds. See paper here:

Look here average PRNGs speed

In the best case scenario, you will have 26 times over the quad-CPU machine.

And we need PRNGs Average Time:  0.000000000002  seconds to solve Puzzle 66  Grin

And then all other parts of the script no slower than this.

Activity: 93
Merit: 16

Please don't get me wrong, this is not a criticism of your skills but an indication of how people can be misled by a lack of imagination or understanding, especially when it comes to very large numbers.

Absolutely right. We can use an example to explain what a very large number looks like. Such numbers will be difficult to visualize in your mind when imagining their quantity. For example:
On planet earth, on all the beaches in the world, the number of grains of sand is 2^77. Now imagine that every grain of sand is planet earth. Now count the number of grains of sand on all planets Smiley There are only 2^154. You don’t have to imagine anymore 2^256 is probably the size of the universe in light years Smiley
full member
Activity: 1162
Merit: 237
Shooters Shoot...
Ok, so, when I first found out about this puzzle and started looking into it earlier this year, I was initially working under the assumption that there would be some clues or patterns that could be found to help unlock the remaining wallets...
But, of course, I now know what you all already knew: There are no clues or patterns, at least nothing included intentionally by the person who created and funded these wallets...

This already shows the irrelevance of the following miserable attempt to discover a pattern.

imagine #130 is at 0.9%
if you approached this puzzle with your mindset, you would have failed miserably due to depleted resources, both financial and time. If you had not died before.

Please don't get me wrong, this is not a criticism of your skills but an indication of how people can be misled by a lack of imagination or understanding, especially when it comes to very large numbers.

Almost like 10^18  😉
hero member
Activity: 630
Merit: 731
Bitcoin g33k
Ok, so, when I first found out about this puzzle and started looking into it earlier this year, I was initially working under the assumption that there would be some clues or patterns that could be found to help unlock the remaining wallets...
But, of course, I now know what you all already knew: There are no clues or patterns, at least nothing included intentionally by the person who created and funded these wallets...

This already shows the irrelevance of the following miserable attempt to discover a pattern.

imagine #130 is at 0.9%
if you approached this puzzle with your mindset, you would have failed miserably due to depleted resources, both financial and time. If you had not died before.

Please don't get me wrong, this is not a criticism of your skills but an indication of how people can be misled by a lack of imagination or understanding, especially when it comes to very large numbers.
Activity: 93
Merit: 16
Please stop. Search help. This thread became less usefull since you've entered it. Your base conversions and maths are stupid. Nobody wil ever benefit of your "works". Thank you.
It looks like a flood and an advertisement for a mixer.
I don't comment on his posts. Im added user digaran to ignore list. My patience has run out Smiley
copper member
Activity: 1330
Merit: 899

Please stop. Search help. This thread became less usefull since you've entered it. Your base conversions and maths are stupid. Nobody wil ever benefit of your "works". Thank you.

jr. member
Activity: 38
Merit: 11

Please stop. Search help. This thread became less usefull since you've entered it. Your base conversions and maths are stupid. Nobody wil ever benefit of your "works". Thank you.
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