i backed to home after 6 days, on 1st nov, immdiatly i need to start traveling to 2000 miles away, for attend my close relative funereal,
during my 2 days travel to go i see messages at mobile phone, due to non available my desktop system , i cant participate
upon reach back at my system, i start writing this post with most easiest method about KtimeG Challenge Game, its total 3 step to find missing part, and 2 step back to privatekey
raw work
maxkey (hex)- minkey (hex), see how much 0 right side apear (90 in this puzle)
convert minkey into mod N, and then pubkey
address pubkey - minkey pubkey
result pubkey div 16 ( due to minkey ref to hex) as we have counted 90's 0 , 90 time loop check,
last we have 5aad97e6e197ddf3d014 pubkey
Gpu process pubkey for private key, found (5aad97e6e197ddf3d014)
now reverse
5aad97e6e197ddf3d014 x 16, 90 times to fille back 90's 0
then result add minkey hex
Private Key !!!!!!!!!!!!
Breakup Below
A minkey
0x659756abf6c17ca70e0000000000000000000140be6ddd93e441f8d4b4a85653b20b4cdcc5c74 8207a0daa16191d07a425d8080c276f9412472e0429e61bc355
Dec: 378910740179897432693357321750481224493231606889794828290705977402364066269
Hex: d674b47af96587841f00471e5106277467a472a4fe97b8a5ce8f152e24f9dd
Pubkey: 021e07dada5c10fe81d5780bf3c1b772915dd6db98044bf77216bbc5dda283955b
B pubkey
0x659756abf6c17ca70e5aad97e6e197ddf3d01540be6ddd93e441f8d4b4a85653b20b4cdcc5c74 8207a0daa16191d07a425d8080c276f9412472e0429e61bc355
Dec: 81441912728144611542033516536424891594486853195135222765184684141394073615958
Hex: b40e7d34265ab9533a64622bd1a188fb8abb8829af545169abad49b46be5fe56
Pubkey: 03a61fc84b6429f07fc0edf25265ef7a0ced3cd9a0edea85e9f58b50b5d73f66e7
C maxkey
Dec: 62120226893276139655396064408353610522500686847644094598223336080741851159646
Hex: 8956cd6cbf12c663969a46006e11acfebf411f2e930704ee38d4fdeac9bf5c5e
0x5aad97e6e197ddf3d014000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000
Dec : 81063001987964714109340159214674410369993621588245427936893978163991709549689
Hex : b338087fab6153cbb64561e4b35082d41653e3b70a55b9b105deba9f3dc10479
Pubkey: 03634641685eca3f8284bcd4ddf233dac92a551bb5ff74a0b3fd587d4da7c13eea
(B-A)/16 loop 90
Pubkey: 03a1708bbb4e9b81a738eaca200d2b06a8f1d351aa3b07c8e255850500bef5ec2b
raw homework for b-a at level of pubkey
>>> 0x659756abf6c17ca70e5aad97e6e197ddf3d01540be6ddd93e441f8d4b4a85653b20b4cdcc5c74 8207a0daa16191d07a425d8080c276f9412472e0429e61bc355-0x659756abf6c17ca70e0000000000000000000140be6ddd93e441f8d4b4a85653b20b4cdcc5c748207a0daa16191d07a425d8080c276f9412472e0429e61bc355
1005681669055354146613222747685626267813986635935225180005598248700045377814988 002421710664308410663717703967808552865612110780956672
>>> hex(1005681669055354146613222747685626267813986635935225180005598248700045377814988 002421710664308410663717703967808552865612110780956672)
'0x5aad97e6e197ddf3d014000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000'
any Question ??
who buy me a Coffee
its for B-A pubkeys
from fastecdsa.point import Point
from fastecdsa import keys, curve
import gmpy2
import random
import numpy as np
p1 = 115792089237316195423570985008687907852837564279074904382605163141518161494337
def c2ux(point):
x_hex = point[2:66]
return x_hex
def c2uy(point):
p = int(p_hex, 16)
compressed_key_hex = point
x_hex = compressed_key_hex[2:66]
x = int(x_hex, 16)
prefix = compressed_key_hex[0:2]
y_square = (gmpy2.powmod(x, 3, p) + 7) % p
#y_square_square_root = gmpy2.powmod(y_square, (p+1)/4, p)
y_square_square_root = gmpy2.powmod(y_square, (p+1) * gmpy2.powmod(4, p - 2, p) % p , p)
if (prefix == "02" and y_square_square_root & 1) or (prefix == "03" and not y_square_square_root & 1):
y = (-y_square_square_root) % p
y = y_square_square_root
computed_y_hex = format(y, '064x')
return computed_y_hex
def cpub(x,y):
prefix = '02' if y % 2 == 0 else '03'
c = prefix+ hex(x)[2:].zfill(64)
return c
def decompress_pubkey(pk):
x = int.from_bytes(pk[1:33], byteorder='big')
y_sq = (pow(x, 3, p) + 7) % p
y = pow(y_sq, (p + 1) // 4, p)
if y % 2 != pk[0] % 2:
y = p - y
y = y.to_bytes(32, byteorder='big')
return b'\x04' + pk[1:33] + y
# G point
xsorg = 0x79be667ef9dcbbac55a06295ce870b07029bfcdb2dce28d959f2815b16f81798
ysorg = 0x483ada7726a3c4655da4fbfc0e1108a8fd17b448a68554199c47d08ffb10d4b8
Sorg = Point(xsorg, ysorg, curve=secp256k1)
# address pubkey point
line= '03a61fc84b6429f07fc0edf25265ef7a0ced3cd9a0edea85e9f58b50b5d73f66e7' # main-pubkey
xs = int(c2ux(line),16)
ys = int(c2uy(line),16)
S = Point(xs, ys, curve=secp256k1)
# minkey Pubkey point
line1= '021e07dada5c10fe81d5780bf3c1b772915dd6db98044bf77216bbc5dda283955b' # minkey-pubkey
xs1 = int(c2ux(line1),16)
ys1 = int(c2uy(line1),16)
S1 = Point(xs1, ys1, curve=secp256k1)
R1 = S-S1
print (R1pubkey)
its for (B-A)Result pubkey and remove 90's 0,
thats all, you have missing part pubkey
from fastecdsa.point import Point
from fastecdsa import keys, curve
import gmpy2
import random
import numpy as np
p1 = 115792089237316195423570985008687907852837564279074904382605163141518161494337
def c2ux(point):
x_hex = point[2:66]
return x_hex
def c2uy(point):
p = int(p_hex, 16)
compressed_key_hex = point
x_hex = compressed_key_hex[2:66]
x = int(x_hex, 16)
prefix = compressed_key_hex[0:2]
y_square = (gmpy2.powmod(x, 3, p) + 7) % p
#y_square_square_root = gmpy2.powmod(y_square, (p+1)/4, p)
y_square_square_root = gmpy2.powmod(y_square, (p+1) * gmpy2.powmod(4, p - 2, p) % p , p)
if (prefix == "02" and y_square_square_root & 1) or (prefix == "03" and not y_square_square_root & 1):
y = (-y_square_square_root) % p
y = y_square_square_root
computed_y_hex = format(y, '064x')
return computed_y_hex
def cpub(x,y):
prefix = '02' if y % 2 == 0 else '03'
c = prefix+ hex(x)[2:].zfill(64)
return c
# G point
xsorg = 0x79be667ef9dcbbac55a06295ce870b07029bfcdb2dce28d959f2815b16f81798
ysorg = 0x483ada7726a3c4655da4fbfc0e1108a8fd17b448a68554199c47d08ffb10d4b8
Sorg = Point(xsorg, ysorg, curve=secp256k1)
# B-A pubkey to remove ending 0's
line= '03634641685eca3f8284bcd4ddf233dac92a551bb5ff74a0b3fd587d4da7c13eea' # B-A-pubkey
xs = int(c2ux(line),16)
ys = int(c2uy(line),16)
S = Point(xs, ys, curve=secp256k1)
# we found 90's 0, fill in below line for div 16
for i in range(0,90):
S = S*108555083659983933209597798445644913612035216511632722858692340445173276400941
print (Spubkey)