Invest thousands of dollars? I don't even invest 1 dollar in this puzzle. i have all i need. And I never said I would find it, but if I do, it will be what I said I will do. Of course it makes sense, considering that they don't want anyone to gain anything if they discover the private key with the Bots doing RBF. So if it's meant to be like this... I think it will be like this too. 5 BTC fee and 1 profit
but it's genuine for me to think that: Exists many guys here maybe receive is a commission on Bot transactions, or it's all a big network... maybe to rent GPUs to idiots or something similar. Good luck with your transaction if you find a private key. Pay 8 sat fee and good luck
And i never want ofend anyone, because i beleave is not your BTCS.
There is a big difference between revenge and justice...if there is justice I won't need to take revenge for anything
When bots they stop stealing what is offered in the puzzle and people get what they are entitled to because they found private keys, that is Justice. Out with the Bots
I'll end by saying this: it's good that Puzzle exists and I can only thank everyone who has taught and continues to teach us good things here and we can learn from them, and that is commendable and I can only thank them.
As for my decisions, I don't need comment.
What profit are you talking about? The profit is zero, and the fee does not matter. In fact, what justice are you talking about? Who are you protesting against? No one stole anything from nobody, less alone from you. If you're investing time in the puzzle, you already lost more than one dollar already, but it was your time, why do you feel like you deserve anything from anyone? No one cares, less alone the creator or the bots.
No one is asking anything from you, so there's nothing to claim. If you are smart, you shouldn't even attempt to solve a puzzle for each you already know there are bots that can snatch the UTXO from right under your nose in a matter of fraction of a second after the pubKey is exposed. I don't, I give zero f***s about any puzzles under 100 bits. So, no reason to complain before-hand, for something you shouldn't even care about, since you should know it's a lost and useless battle before you even load your gun to go to war. This is why I don't understand what you are trying to demonstrate. This is like a chicken and egg problem - you're creating a logical paradox from nothing.
Maybe before someone brags about issues they will most likely (basically 100%) never encounter and have to face with, they should first post here the SHA256 of the public key, to prove they actually solved the puzzle without risking their precious discovery gets stolen. That should be your first step, otherwise you are simply dreaming of the day you actually find the solution, you know, without investing hundreds of thousands of dollars (which is, with almost 100% probability, how much you'd have to waste on compute power to crack #67). I think you underestimate the problem size, versus your random chance of success, which is close to the infinitesimal value if you only invest 1 $.