what does kangaroo do with numbers?
we give him
he processes them step by step
or glues into a string
can a kangaroo handle a string of numbers? if it can, can try such a search
for example we have 3 controls,
controls 1 seed1 mix the set 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0
controls 2 seed2 selects from the set seed1
controls 3 lenght seed2
example of search for step-by-step controls, for each step controls 1 1000000 steps controls 2
seed2(selects from the set seed1) lenght seed2(4) seed1(mix the set 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0)
0,1000000 lenght 4 1234 0,1000000 set 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0
1920 1234 1234 0 ['6', '9', '0', '2', '4', '3', '5', '1', '8', '7']
2816 1234 1234 0 ['6', '9', '0', '2', '4', '3', '5', '1', '8', '7']
4201 1234 1234 0 ['6', '9', '0', '2', '4', '3', '5', '1', '8', '7']
4780 1234 1234 0 ['6', '9', '0', '2', '4', '3', '5', '1', '8', '7']
11611 1234 1234 0 ['6', '9', '0', '2', '4', '3', '5', '1', '8', '7']
16731 1234 1234 0 ['6', '9', '0', '2', '4', '3', '5', '1', '8', '7']
26145 1234 1234 0 ['6', '9', '0', '2', '4', '3', '5', '1', '8', '7']
61077 1234 1234 0 ['6', '9', '0', '2', '4', '3', '5', '1', '8', '7']
62795 1234 1234 0 ['6', '9', '0', '2', '4', '3', '5', '1', '8', '7']
94824 1234 1234 0 ['6', '9', '0', '2', '4', '3', '5', '1', '8', '7']
97746 1234 1234 0 ['6', '9', '0', '2', '4', '3', '5', '1', '8', '7']
105143 1234 1234 0 ['6', '9', '0', '2', '4', '3', '5', '1', '8', '7']
130617 1234 1234 0 ['6', '9', '0', '2', '4', '3', '5', '1', '8', '7']
132585 1234 1234 0 ['6', '9', '0', '2', '4', '3', '5', '1', '8', '7']
134100 1234 1234 0 ['6', '9', '0', '2', '4', '3', '5', '1', '8', '7']
137532 1234 1234 0 ['6', '9', '0', '2', '4', '3', '5', '1', '8', '7']
147808 1234 1234 0 ['6', '9', '0', '2', '4', '3', '5', '1', '8', '7']
154336 1234 1234 0 ['6', '9', '0', '2', '4', '3', '5', '1', '8', '7']
175874 1234 1234 0 ['6', '9', '0', '2', '4', '3', '5', '1', '8', '7']
185947 1234 1234 0 ['6', '9', '0', '2', '4', '3', '5', '1', '8', '7']
lenght 5
202442 12345 12345 0 ['6', '9', '0', '2', '4', '3', '5', '1', '8', '7']
259589 12345 12345 0 ['6', '9', '0', '2', '4', '3', '5', '1', '8', '7']
460471 12345 12345 0 ['6', '9', '0', '2', '4', '3', '5', '1', '8', '7']
505449 12345 12345 0 ['6', '9', '0', '2', '4', '3', '5', '1', '8', '7']
762002 12345 12345 0 ['6', '9', '0', '2', '4', '3', '5', '1', '8', '7']
814323 12345 12345 0 ['6', '9', '0', '2', '4', '3', '5', '1', '8', '7']
820734 12345 12345 0 ['6', '9', '0', '2', '4', '3', '5', '1', '8', '7']
58631 12345 12345 1 ['2', '1', '4', '0', '3', '5', '7', '9', '8', '6']
144887 12345 12345 1 ['2', '1', '4', '0', '3', '5', '7', '9', '8', '6']
153883 12345 12345 1 ['2', '1', '4', '0', '3', '5', '7', '9', '8', '6']
169489 12345 12345 1 ['2', '1', '4', '0', '3', '5', '7', '9', '8', '6']
286728 12345 12345 1 ['2', '1', '4', '0', '3', '5', '7', '9', '8', '6']
332995 12345 12345 1 ['2', '1', '4', '0', '3', '5', '7', '9', '8', '6']
351328 12345 12345 1 ['2', '1', '4', '0', '3', '5', '7', '9', '8', '6']
lenght 6 the longer the net number, the less often the find
460471 123456 123456 0 ['6', '9', '0', '2', '4', '3', '5', '1', '8', '7']
286728 123456 123456 1 ['2', '1', '4', '0', '3', '5', '7', '9', '8', '6']
644193 123456 123456 1 ['2', '1', '4', '0', '3', '5', '7', '9', '8', '6']
876509 123456 123456 2 ['0', '1', '8', '2', '7', '6', '4', '3', '9', '5']
lenght 7
870183 1234567 1234567 20 ['2', '4', '1', '6', '9', '8', '7', '0', '3', '5']
354658 1234567 1234567 26 ['3', '9', '6', '4', '7', '0', '1', '8', '5', '2']
358866 1234567 1234567 35 ['8', '5', '2', '9', '7', '1', '6', '4', '3', '0']
459256 1234567 1234567 43 ['0', '4', '2', '3', '7', '9', '6', '5', '1', '8']
lenght 8
631252 12345678 12345678 110 ['6', '3', '9', '8', '5', '2', '0', '4', '1', '7']
88968 12345678 12345678 387 ['7', '3', '0', '6', '1', '5', '4', '8', '2', '9']
928402 12345678 12345678 420 ['0', '5', '4', '3', '9', '8', '7', '2', '1', '6']
501677 12345678 12345678 944 ['0', '5', '8', '9', '2', '3', '6', '4', '1', '7']
930525 12345678 12345678 1093 ['5', '6', '9', '1', '3', '0', '7', '2', '4', '8']
52326 12345678 12345678 1202 ['4', '7', '6', '5', '1', '0', '3', '8', '2', '9']
lenght 9
340053 123456789 123456789 2935 ['3', '7', '6', '4', '9', '5', '8', '1', '0', '2']
246637 123456789 123456789 4095 ['7', '2', '4', '3', '9', '1', '8', '6', '5', '0']
40352 123456789 123456789 4667 ['0', '9', '5', '2', '7', '4', '8', '1', '3', '6']
505340 123456789 123456789 5144 ['4', '9', '5', '3', '7', '0', '1', '2', '8', '6']
lenght 10 at a length of 10 has been looking for a very long time
340053 1234567890 1234567890 2935 ['3', '7', '6', '4', '9', '5', '8', '1', '0', '2']
344381 1234567890 1234567890 6943 ['2', '8', '5', '4', '0', '9', '3', '7', '6', '1']
but we didn't use control 3, increasing the length of the number, the longer the length, the more fallouts.
1234 lenght 50
49 1234 9359388664016882747356209553345776587297487830
1234 0 ['6', '9', '0', '2', '4', '3', '5', '1', '8', '7']
41 1234 76517892978353011619883483795460
123441139658388173 4 ['3', '4', '1', '5', '9', '6', '7', '0', '2', '8']
77 1234 78666471326533979156305884437316664463
123446844214 5 ['9', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '0', '1', '3', '2']
13 1234 2276767718629475927
1234720638540401052385733872678 6 ['9', '1', '7', '6', '2', '0', '4', '3', '8', '5']
16 1234 72264
123461136678563156385322561676407249856536039 15 ['3', '0', '8', '1', '6', '7', '4', '2', '9', '5']
15 1234 2545825581271013931221
1234926090706106109705284865 16 ['5', '7', '8', '2', '3', '1', '9', '0', '4', '6']
4 1234 9813671
1234829445871892889788510534979681482808493 18 ['2', '1', '7', '9', '8', '5', '3', '6', '4', '0']
89 1234 897138
12347389169041960538826827310015481303951751 19 ['0', '8', '1', '4', '7', '3', '2', '6', '5', '9']
12 1234 49038123494750278438352756031622056146180370820806 21 ['2', '6', '8', '5', '9', '3', '1', '4', '0', '7']
45 1234 2652
1234154121247102096176044032331614336887274539 23 ['4', '1', '0', '9', '2', '3', '6', '5', '8', '7']
87 1234 09812383134261587192081242676359397577242
123472574 23 ['4', '1', '0', '9', '2', '3', '6', '5', '8', '7']
88 1234 01536765831234380503932856318113617876807087283063 24 ['6', '2', '3', '1', '9', '5', '0', '8', '7', '4']
41 1234 10461275712343866067223923174908653996637042322613 26 ['3', '9', '6', '4', '7', '0', '1', '8', '5', '2']
32 1234 76136500782802584021205636578702715090028615351234 31 ['0', '7', '1', '6', '3', '8', '9', '5', '2', '4']
34 1234 83495973172314801234908193289704227355680404787551 37 ['9', '1', '0', '5', '2', '3', '7', '6', '8', '4']
11 1234 27227806728642164738928683743300832528070123421974 39 ['3', '4', '6', '0', '1', '5', '9', '2', '7', '8']
12 1234 50387948505123417587824126389644326956973813743736 45 ['4', '6', '7', '2', '0', '8', '9', '5', '3', '1']
71 1234 83140720623412343857874814912789564217723801408294 45 ['4', '6', '7', '2', '0', '8', '9', '5', '3', '1']
49 1234 75175992264829930605123471155610021903706909548356 54 ['2', '7', '4', '3', '6', '5', '1', '8', '9', '0']
31 1234 18392123452211254849563319055090655596411202529134 55 ['1', '3', '2', '5', '7', '0', '9', '8', '4', '6']
51 1234 59975594396992123438089486721426586768801079683352 56 ['8', '0', '7', '5', '4', '2', '3', '6', '9', '1']
5 1234 07359469123468520696871812100411996611736561687938 62 ['9', '2', '1', '6', '7', '3', '8', '4', '5', '0']
99 1234 88426446158991234822408463620191308759784091394237 64 ['7', '1', '6', '4', '5', '0', '8', '3', '9', '2']
59 1234 94516317158503672604421234194774334774276814530092 66 ['1', '4', '6', '9', '3', '2', '8', '5', '0', '7']
82 1234 65036636185749306454225456192310205883831234931912 66 ['1', '4', '6', '9', '3', '2', '8', '5', '0', '7']
8 1234 32073147383016660653046319806049440504123468357548 70 ['1', '4', '7', '3', '9', '2', '0', '6', '8', '5']
84 1234 57271402214891512348092717972151670039565661621792 75 ['7', '6', '9', '0', '5', '4', '3', '2', '1', '8']
72 1234 57309706730123418485659042660010810783627038144024 77 ['4', '5', '3', '1', '6', '0', '2', '8', '9', '7']
21 1234 49960507477533289145539980327012341130472904430515 78 ['3', '1', '4', '5', '6', '2', '9', '0', '7', '8']
67 1234 66313753157248748186617235430889041234983045192485 80 ['4', '6', '8', '2', '7', '9', '3', '1', '0', '5']
98 1234 95493417061234944379412083850275082023060838918706 80 ['4', '6', '8', '2', '7', '9', '3', '1', '0', '5']
65 1234 300578858593745807861042524299696773881219090
12340 89 ['1', '4', '2', '7', '0', '9', '3', '8', '5', '6']
10 1234 7584751440653429125867288004602641478575161032
1234 96 ['5', '9', '6', '1', '0', '2', '8', '4', '3', '7']
46 1234 9857713673559255630329842644943798
1234069729724868 96 ['5', '9', '6', '1', '0', '2', '8', '4', '3', '7']
76 1234 2481058100441920123558778
1234598691907939551446778 96 ['5', '9', '6', '1', '0', '2', '8', '4', '3', '7']
21 1234 577028295998334176588377
12349264356632594725532868 97 ['3', '6', '5', '8', '0', '4', '7', '2', '9', '1']
import random
for XXX in range(0,1000000,1): # controls 1
Nn =["0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9"]
RRRR = []
SSS = random.sample(Nn, k=len(Nn))
for EEE in Nn1:
for i in range (0,1000000,1): #controls 2
Nn = SSS
RRR = []
for RR in range(50): # controls 3
DDD = random.choice(Nn)
d = ''.join(RRR)
dd = d #[0:5]
if EEE in dd:
from observations, in order for the required number of the puzzle to fall out in large quantities, it should be less by 2 characters, but its length will weigh impressively
for a 20 signed number, you need a number with a length of 18 characters
10000000000000000000 pz (20 num lenght)
100000000000000000 byte lenght (in 100 of these, the high probability of the number of the puzzle 63)
for puzzle 120 can feed such pieces of numbers, long strides long range i.e. instead of a range, give a long number randomly generated kangaroo jump
can try another option, but how to increase the probability... use 2 controls for random (without specifying seed).
0,1000000 4 4 0,1000000
327869 1234 1234 492498 ['8', '3', '6', '2', '5', '4', '9', '7', '0', '1']
813671 1234 1234 713004 ['8', '2', '1', '4', '3', '0', '5', '9', '6', '7']
964510 1234 1234 249510 ['8', '0', '1', '4', '2', '6', '7', '5', '9', '3']
540959 1234 1234 581083 ['9', '4', '1', '6', '8', '2', '0', '5', '7', '3']
0,1000000 4 50 0,1000000
811043 1234 81816778138793770762256346928203086989259654512342 904831 ['2', '9', '0', '4', '7', '8', '1', '3', '6', '5']
752681 1234 82421193686426173990201252195076128638123484792873 780556 ['4', '8', '1', '9', '2', '0', '6', '7', '3', '5']
101889 1234 60937224800624695061798123439073020537533124051540 81252 ['1', '0', '2', '3', '4', '9', '8', '5', '7', '6']
628954 1234 11328677715310449570152377732952732003411106123407 629598 ['1', '2', '8', '4', '3', '6', '5', '7', '9', '0']
Telariust / pollard-kangaroo
https://github.com/Telariust/pollard-kangaroo how to insert a string of numbers into this? and why should he [PRNGseed]? if you change it, it finds in any case or the time of finding changes slightly...
example ADE6D7CE3B9B:22BD43C2E9354 02591d682c3da4a2a698633bf5751738b67c343285ebdc3492645cb44658911484
find 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000174176b015f4d
if len(sys.argv) > 1 :
pow2bits = int(sys.argv[1])
L = 2**(pow2bits-1)
U = 2**pow2bits
flag_pow2bits = False
flag_pow2bits = True
L, U = str(sys.argv[1]).split(':')
L = int(str(L), 16)
U = int(str(U), 16)
bitMin = 8
bitMax = 256
L gets ADE6D7CE3B9B
U gets 22BD43C2E9354
what is he doing with these data from L to U, from smallest to largest steps or? how to convey this to him?