here there are some outgoing transactions but
here say this address has not any public key
may someone explain this to me please?
Hello there.
The address 34MSicAL7qVGkevFPLwyc9KohGzoUSnu3Q is a 2-of-3 multisig address.
Its public keys are 036c75675da3fdc06a9e6940b4af97a856eb8801ed9b8c77941ac397f0abda5acc, 02502e76bc019532f74e0dad286477ccecacc1fc74695949ff368742fe9a5b4051 and 033960592197eeb6a199804eefc7e5db45c6570cea6e503d8616ccf939c691cd25
The redeem script is 5221036c75675da3fdc06a9e6940b4af97a856eb8801ed9b8c77941ac397f0abda5acc2102502e7 6bc019532f74e0dad286477ccecacc1fc74695949ff368742fe9a5b405121033960592197eeb6a1 99804eefc7e5db45c6570cea6e503d8616ccf939c691cd2553ae
I hope this helps
here there are some outgoing transactions but
here say this address has not any public key
may someone explain this to me please?
Thank you guys for explanation.