import time
min_range = 18446744073709551615
max_range = 36893488147419103231
counter = 0 # Initialize counter
start_time = time.time()
while True:
random_bytes = os.urandom(9)
initial_bytes = b'\x00' * 23
full_bytes = initial_bytes + random_bytes
dec = int.from_bytes(full_bytes, byteorder='big')
counter += 1 # Increment counter
message = "\rPrivate Keys per second: {:.2f}".format(counter / (time.time() - start_time))
messages = []
output = "\033[01;33m" + ''.join(messages) + "\r"
if min_range <= dec <= max_range:
if dec == 30568377312064202855:
print("\nSeed :", random_bytes)
print("Generated number:", dec)
This is Python script that will test os.urandom speed.
The example works for Puzzle 65. There is no hash or secp256k1 operations here - just numbers.
Result is (on my PC) :
Private Keys per second: 170893.39
Do you know how many numbers need to be generated per second to find Puzzle 65 in 10 minutes?
30744573456182586 Private Keys per second !
It's an mission impossible . Even in C++
We need Grey aliens hardware to solve this. From Zeta Reticuli
Experiments with your python codes on rust language
use std::time::{Instant, Duration};
use std::io::{self, Write};
const UPDATE_INTERVAL: u64 = 1000000; // Update progress every 1 million iterations
fn main() {
// Input minimum and maximum ranges in hexadecimal format
let min_range_hex = "100000000";
let max_range_hex = "1ffffffff";
// Convert hexadecimal strings to u128 values
let min_range: u128 = u128::from_str_radix(min_range_hex, 16).unwrap();
let max_range: u128 = u128::from_str_radix(max_range_hex, 16).unwrap();
let start_time = Instant::now();
let mut counter = 0u64;
let stdout = io::stdout();
let mut handle = stdout.lock();
for num in min_range..=max_range {
counter += 1;
if counter % UPDATE_INTERVAL == 0 || num == max_range {
print_progress(&mut handle, num, counter, start_time.elapsed());
// Break the loop if the generated number matches a specific value
if num == 0x1a96ca8d8 {
writeln!(&mut handle, "\nGenerated number (decimal): {}", num).unwrap();
// Function to print progress to stdout
fn print_progress(handle: &mut io::StdoutLock, num: u128, counter: u64, elapsed_time: Duration) {
let private_keys_per_second = counter as f64 / elapsed_time.as_secs_f64();
let hex_representation = format!("{:#X}", num);
// Move cursor to the beginning of the line and clear it
// Write the output to stdout in a single line
print!("{} | {:.2} keys/s", hex_representation, private_keys_per_second);
0x1A96CA8D8 | 82762283.93 keys/s
Generated number (decimal): 7137437912
single thread, M2 Proc.