My credit card takes less than 5 seconds and have no fee at all. Bank transfer is instant to accounts in the same bank with no fee and less than 1 workday to any account in other banks with no fee.
Dont compare bank with paypal and other obscure metodes that most people dont use.
It seems like 5 seconds and no fee, but credit cards can be charged-back for
months. Merchants have huge troubles with this, and there is an entire industry profiting from trying to help them prevent this. Here's a quote from Wikipedia:
Chargeback fraud, also known as friendly fraud, occurs when a consumer makes an online shopping purchase with their own credit card, and then requests a chargeback from the issuing bank after receiving the purchased goods or service. In 2013, LexisNexis reported that merchants pay up to US$2.79 for every $1 lost in fraudulent transactions.
1. The reason it seems like 5 seconds is because you don't realize that the money is only sent, but not confirmed. That's like a Bitcoin transaction 1 second after you send it. Sure, it was sent. But that doesn't mean it's there
permanently... Make sense? It's still in limbo and can be reversed.
2. The reason it seems like no fee at all, is because the MERCHANT pays the fee (1 - 10%) and because the BANK pays the fee and transfers the costs onto you in other ways.
Are you in the U.S.? Or where? In Europe it takes up to 5 work days to transfer from one country to another, even if they are only 30 miles apart. And as you said, only on
work days... These are also not 100% confirmed (in the sense of Bitcoin) because the bank can freeze, or reverse the payment for a week or more. Bank transfers can also take anywhere up to months to fully confirm.
They deal entirely in IOU's, and banks and CCs are not a push-only system. It's a push-pull system of legal obligations, IOUs, and arbitrary data. Meanwhile they are investing and playing with your money, making money off it while you wait. Look at what happened to Greece...
There is nothing that
confirms as quickly as Bitcoin, nor is there anything else that has such immutable certainty. There are only things that
send faster... But in that case SPV and 0-conf is enough!
It may seem conveniently 'instant', but really, it's not.
Such arguments really make me furious. It reminds me of the Louis CK bit:
Imitating a moaning passenger the comedian whines, “‘And then, we get on the plane and they made us sit there on the runway, for 40 minutes. We had to sit there.’ Oh? Really? What happened next? Did you fly through the air, incredibly, like a bird? Did you partake in the miracle of human flight, you non-contributing zero?” He continues, “People, like, they say there’s delays on flights. Delays? Really? New York to California in five hours. That used to take 30 years. Plus, you would die on the way there.”