You think that most people should rely on off chain solutions? Needing third parties in order to transact in Bitcoin defeats part of the purpose. We should be able to use the Bitcoin Blockchain directly, off chain solutions do not truly increase the throughput of the Bitcoin blockchain.
I think icebreaker missed that part:
What is needed is an electronic payment system based on cryptographic proof instead of trust,
allowing any two willing parties to transact directly with each other without the need for a trusted
third party.
The only way to use Bitcoin without relying on a third party is to run a full node. How else do you propagate your transactions privately.
The vast majority of Bitcoin users do not run full nodes, smart phones can not run full nodes after all. I also very much doubt that every user in the future that does not live in the developed world will be able to run a full node either. People can use Bitcoin without running a full node, while still holding their own private keys and being able to transact freely on the Bitcoin blockchain.
Yes, and it's a shame they pretend to be Bitcoin, a
purely peer-to-peer form of electronic cash, users.
Of course no one is proposing you shouldn't run Bitcoin on your smartphone, but to be safe you should first be generally careful about doing that and the first sane thing to do is to still rely on your node to broadcast transactions.
Of course this is all irrelevant anyway seeing as it is all part of your repeated attempts to turn Bitcoin into a consumer product which does not fly. Yes you are free to spend Bitcoin and trust an SPV wallet using your smartphone but I frankly think at that point you might want to pull out your credit card. Again, I don't care about your ideology or "what you think", I'm just saying don't expect any typical retarded consumer to adopt this.
Soon enough it will seem economically wasteful to transact on the Bitcoin blockchain. Large scale open source payment systems will prove to be more efficient, flexible and almost as reliable as regular blockchain transactions. The experience will be unlike anything in the Bitcoin ecosystem right now. Payment addresses will be abstracted, transactions will be instant, privacy will be improved.
Bitcoin's blockchain will forever remain a low-velocity network settlement network. It is was it was engineeringly designed to be. lol this is blatantly false and you know it.
"I’m sure that in 20 years there will either be very large (bitcoin) transaction volume or no volume."
there you go..
max onchain transaction as of advertised by you noobs does break with all the other fundamentals of bitcoin as advertised by satoshi.
as of bitcoin's current state, only
sound money settlement made available by maxing decentralization matters to make the network worth anything against the fraud of a freaking system we live in.
you wannabes lack basic economic ground, as only scarcity has driven btc price up, both from a cap and blocksize point of view.
hello, no mass adoption there. just some few golden tickets for the privileged libertarian than want to cut loose with the current system encompassing corporations sheeps and bank cartels..
ergo you dumb STATISTs @%$ !!1
so yes i fully concur with Satoshi's quote, but then im only focused in making btc worth MOAR.