Lightning will make money for anyone running a hub. Anyone can run a hub. In a certain way hub can tend toward centralization since they benefit from liquidity but there are technological solutions to this problem.
That sounds like an acceptable structure; open access as with mining, only barrier to entry is the infrastructure and distinguishing yourself from the competitors (could Greg Maxwell's Confidential Transactions concept be implemented as instances of Lightning hubs, for instance?).
I guess the real question is: how much control over the tied up funds can the Lightning hubs exert? From the explanations I've looked at, participants can renege at any time they choose, but I can't help thinking there has to be some way to reprimand abusers of that mechanism, so indirect control could be exercised by the hub operator that way.
Lightning really needs a whole thread (or more) to itself, there's alot to consider. I am undecided as of yet, but it promises alot.
No it doesn't.
You're in good company, because that's what I think too.