I don't care about Satoshi's vision to be quite honest. I am very, very tired to hear these arguments to authority.
I'm very tired of hearing "argument to authority" used as some reason why its OK to ignore the smartest person in the room.
The "guy" invented bitcoin. He knows more about it than you.
So yes anyone who doesn't have egomaniacal tendencies would not automatically dismiss Satoshi's opinion because it disagrees with their own.
Its a cheap trick, using it hurts your credibility. I went back and reread pages of discussion on cyphers thread the other day, because I wanted to re-evaluate my own views. I wanted to try and better understand some of the arguments against block size increases.
What i did find were some great posts by you about LN, Blockstream sidechains etc. prior to the block size debate. Very well argued, fact based, impersonal.
This is in stark contrast to the posts I have seen from you about the block size issue, which I think you have been much more 'emotional', personal attacks, outright rejection of dissenting ideas, less reasoned posts. I don't know if thats a conscious decision and I'm sorry if you don't feel the same way, its just what I have observed. I think having ICE as your 'team-mate' doesn't help as he sets a pretty bad example in this regard. The disdain you are showing for Gavin and Mike seems entirely disproportionate and based on your opinion of them rather than their actions. The XT fork is no more dangerous than any other core upgrade *unless* those that oppose core explicitly and deceitfully sabotage it. Yet you argue they are the bad guys.
You've repeatedly taken up opposition to those who would argue for a block size increase now, claiming its too soon, unneccessary. Arguing about bloat, dismissing any analysis with hypothetical 'centralisation' issues. At the same time have been vary careful to never say you aren't explicitly against a block size increase (a point which you repeatedly remind people of). The nearest thing I have seen to an actual opinion (as opposed to fairly indiscriminate opposition) is that you think 2MB would be ok.
You've never said when, and in particular *why* a particular timescale should be followed. I don't know why you would do this. What are you afraid of? Being disagreed with, being made to look foolish, being actually *wrong* about something?
I can tell you from personal experience being wrong is just as important, if not more, than being right. Don't take this to mean I think you are wrong - I honestly don't know what is for the best, I just *think* that its a block size limit increase sooner rather than later. I think that actual block sizes should be decided by miners (either Peter R style through economic incentive, or even BIP100 style - though i think the two are not necessarily mutually exclusive and in reality it will end up being a combination of both). I think the threat of bitcoin stalling because the network falls over is greater than the threat of centralisation because the blockchain is suddenly going to become bloated. I think those things - I accept others don't, but lets not pretend anyone actually knows for sure.
Maybe BIP100 is the answer, maybe it isn't. Be great to see some code (whilst respecting the fact that devs aren't obliged to produce any!) and then we shall see what we will.
Until there is a BIP100 based solution its still a binary choice between "no increase at all" (core) or BIP101 (XT). If they are the only options I'll take my chances with XT and the 2 developers who, whilst they may not be perfect, seem to be at least honest about what they are doing.
Sure they might prove me wrong, but thats for a another day. You make choices based on the information you have at the time. Then if you find out you are wrong you reevaluate and learn from your mistakes.
Hypothetical scenario: What happens as Jan Approaches and blocks are regularly full from natural traffic and theres no BIP100 on the horizon...? How long are people going to keep voting BIP100 whilst dealing with the problems of full blocks and transaction backlogs. Are miners prepared to risk failure of BTC, or will the capitulate and go BIP101 to ensure ongoing profitability can be maintained (these are business owners, there job is typically about reducing risk!). Will LN be ready? So many variables. To suggest "its all over" shows an astonishing lack of understanding for the fundamental nature of probabilistic outcomes! I can't even tell you with certainty what I'm having for dinner tomorrow.... how can you predict the emergent behaviour of hundreds 6 months out to a final outcome. Keep it real eh