How about a portuguese-BR version?
I can help!
Well if you're serious, to get portuguese added I need the file below translated. It would then take me a day or so to add a menu to the front page to allow people to change the language.
The left side is the key and the items on the right are the ones that appear in the application and therefore need translation.
# Sample localization file for English. Add more files in this directory for other locales.
# See for starting points.
hello: "Hello world"
open_trades_book: "Open Trades Book"
help_and_support: "Help & Support"
features_and_tour: "Features & Tour"
my_trade_history: 'My Trade History'
my_profile: 'My Profile'
sign_out: "Sign Out"
sign_up: "Sign up"
sign_in: "Sign in"
copyright: " Copyright © 2012 All rights reserved."
sign_up_now: "Sign up now"
view_public_profile: 'View Public Profile'
edit_profile: 'Edit Profile'
create_new_trade: 'Create A New Trade'
the_market_place: 'The Market Place'
open_trades_book: 'Open Trades Book'
processing_trades: 'Processing Trades'
my_open_trades: 'My Open Trades'
new_trade: 'New Trade'
profile_and_credibility: 'Profile & Credibility'
messages: 'Messages '
my_open_orders: 'My Open Orders'
we_got_review: 'We Got Reviews'
send_message: "Send Message"
sign_in_to_send_msg_to: "Sign in or register to send a message to %{name}"
open_trades_book: "Open Trades Book"
trades_waiting_to_complete: "Trades waiting to be completed."
create_new_trade: "Create a new trade"
i_like_to: "I'd like to "
buy: 'Buy'
sell: 'Sell'
a_total_quantity_of: "a total quantity of"
in_exchange_for: "In exchange for "
and_looking_for: ", and I'm looking"
for_a_price_of: "for a price of "
notes: "Notes"
notes_info: "These notes will be posted along with the details above and allow you to further explain the trade you wish to do."
create_this_trade: "Create this trade"
choose_a_price: "Choose a price."
negotiable: "Negotiable"
status: "Status"
trade_no: 'Trade #%{number}'
you_have_been_selected: "You have been selected for this trade."
you_agreed_to_trade_with: "You agreed to trade with"
member_for: "Member for"
email_confirmed: "Email Confirmed"
mobile: "Mobile "
choose_a_currency: "Choose a currency."
mark_trade_as_complete: "Mark this trade as Complete"
do_you_want_to_complete_this_trade: "Do you want want to mark this trade as completed ?"
yes_this_trade_is_complete: "Yes, this trade is complete."
once_complete_both_review: "Once marked as complete both you and the trader can review each other."
trade_info: By marking the trade as complete you are saying that you have both received funds from the trader and sent funds yourself.
leave_a_review_of: "Leave a review of "
please_leave_a_review_of: "Please leave a review of your trading experience"
create_review: 'Create Review'
user: "User"
buy: "Buy"
state: "State"
previous_trades: "Previous Trades"
verifications: "Verifications"
open_since: "Open Since"
no_trades_to_show: "No trades to show."
new_trade_info: "You haven't created a trade with Bitoinary yet. It's easy hit the 'Create A New Trade Button'. It's big and green."
all_my_trades: "All my trades"
trades_where_you_need_a_bidder: "Trades where you need to select a bidder."
enter_your_confirmation_token: "Please enter your confirmation taken"
please_enter_your_sms_number: "Please enter your mobile number"
please_format_sms: "Please format your mobile number to include country code, e.g. +441234567890"
confirm_account: "Confirm Account"
create_review: "Create Review"
cancel: "Cancel"
reviews_for: "Reviews for %{name}"
date: "Date"
username: "Username"
rating: "Rating"
review: "Review"
back: 'Back'
hey_im: "Hey, I'm %{name}"
update_intro: "Update Intro"
member_for: "Member for"
type: "Type"
confirmed: "Confirmed?"
since: "Since"
connect: "Connect"
email: "Email"
sms: "Mobile Phone"
enter_token: 'Enter Token'
verify_sms: 'Verify Mobile'
error: 'Error '
connect: 'Connect'
auth_error: 'Auth Error'
followers: 'Followers'
friends: "Friends"
doesnt_have_any_reviews: "doesn't have any reviews yet."
regarding: "Regarding"
trade: "Trade "
send_message: "Send Message"
new_message: "New Message"
create_message: "Create Message"
messages: "Messages"
you_dont_have_any_messages: "You don't have any messages."
messages_to_from: "Messages To/From"
re: "Re::"
ago: "ago."
send_a_reply: "Send A Reply"
trade_with: "Trade with "
view_all_messages_with: "View all messages with "
enter_contract_with: "You are about to enter into a contract with "
contract_info: "Please make sure you fully understand the terms of the trade and that you are happy to proceed."
contract_warning: "Failure to complete the trade could lead to negative reviews against your account."
yes_i_agree: "Yes, I agree."
reply_to: "Reply to "
send_message: 'Send Message'
tour_and_features: "Tour & Features"
create_a_trade: "Create a Trade"
easily_create_a_trade: "Easily create a trade"
message_successfully_sent: "Message succesfully sent."
something_went_wrong: "Something went wrong sending the message."
help_and_support_form: "Help & Support Contact Form"
name: "Name"
email_address: "E-Mail Address"
subject: "Subject"
priority: "Priority"
urgent: "Urgent"
high: "High"
normal: "Normal"
low: "Low"
message: "Message"
send_message: "Send Message"
help_and_support: "Help and Support"
help_info: "You can contact us with the form on this page or directly via email to :-"
helpdesk_hours: "Helpdesk Hours"
were_available: "We're available "
time_monday_to_friday: "time Monday to Friday."
out_of_hours_support: "We do provide out of hours support but we may not get back to you as quickly."
current_time_in_london: "Current time in London."
register_for_bitcoinary: "Register For Bitcoinary"
create_your_free_account: "Create your free account"
create_an_account: "Create an Account"
leave_blank: "leave it blank if you don't want to change it"
current_password_required: "we need your current password to confirm your changes"
update: "Update"
cancel_my_account: "Cancel my account"
are_you_sure: "Are you sure?"
back: "Back"
unhappy: "Unhappy?"
forgot_your_password: "Forgot your password?"
we_can_reset_it_for_you: "We can reset it for you."
send_me_reset_instructions: "Send me reset password instructions"
resend_confirmation: "Resend confirmation"
we_can_resend_your_confirmation: "We can resend your confirmation."
resend_confirmation_instructions: "Resend confirmation instructions"
login_to_bitcoinary: "Log in to bitcoinary"
welcome_back: "Welcome back."
log_in: "Log in"
forgot_your_password: "Forgot your password?"
didnt_receive_confirmation: "Didn't receive confirmation instructions?"
didnt_receive_unlock: "Didn't receive unlock instructions?"
sign_in_with_omni: "Sign in with %{provider}"
resend_unlock_instructions: "Resend unlock instructions"
your_account_has_been_locked: "Your account has been locked due to an excessive amount of unsuccessful sign in attempts."
click_link_to_unlock: "Click the link below to unlock your account:"
unlock_my_account: 'Unlock my account'
hello_email: "Hello %{email}!"
someone_requested_password: "Someone has requested a link to change your password, and you can do this through the link below."
change_my_password: 'Change my password'
ignore_email: "If you didn't request this, please ignore this email."
your_password_wont_change: "Your password won't change until you access the link above and create a new one."
confirm_account_from_link: "You can confirm your account through the link below:"
confirm_my_account: 'Confirm my account'
please_remember_to_review: "Please remember to leave a review of"
you_can_do_this_by_heading_to: "You can do this by heading to"
and_click_the_review_button: "and click the review button."
has_accepted_your_offer: "Has accpted you as a person to trade with regarding"
you_should_now_communicate_with: "You should now communicate with"
and_work_through_the_trade: "and work towards completing the trade."
message_sent_regarding_the_trade: "Has sent you a message regarding trade"
be_your_own_exchange: "Be your own exchange."
bitcoinary_is_scalable: "Bitcoinary is a scalable exchange."
send_money_to_another_country: "Want To Send Money To Another Country?"
buying_bitcoins_with_paypal: "Buying Bitcoins with Paypal?"
sms_number_error: 'There was a problem with your mobile number, please check this and try again'
sms_confirmation_error: 'Your confirmation token did not match our records.'
cancel_this_trade: 'Cancel this trade'
do_you_want_to_cancel_this_trade: 'Do you really want to cancel this trade?'
cancel_trade_info: 'By canceling this trade it will be removed from the public order book'
yes_cancel_this_trade: 'Yes, cancel this trade'
show_facebook_name_and_photo: 'Show Facebook name and photo'
search: 'Search'
search_trades: 'Search Trades'
both: 'Both'