I’ve moved a couple of things around and added some filters in order to retrieve an interesting view on some information, which I recently drafted for my local board, and thought it would be interesting to include in the Merit Dashboard. Specifically:
- I’ve deleted the "Top Merited Thread Ranking" from the Rankings Tab.
- But I’ve added it to the "Most Merited Post" Tab, which now displays most merited posts and threads (renamed tab to "Most Merited Post/Threads").
Now the nice part is that we can now filter the
"Most Merited Post/Threads" by:
- To User name/id, in order to view the posts and threads where you have received most merit on.
- From User name/id, in order to view the posts and threads that you have merited most.
- Section/Subsection, in order to delimit the scope to a specific set of boards (if no users are delimited, it spans to the whole set of selected boards).
- If no filters are applied, it spans to all merited threads and post forum wide.
- Date slider allows the scope to be restricted to a specific period of time (i.e. 2020 onwards).
Output Columns:
Classification: Ranking (number of obtained merits descending).
Merit: Number of obtained merits.
Post_title/page_title: Merited post or thread.
Section: First level board classification.
Subsection: Second level board classification.
nFromUsers: Number of distinct users that have merited the given post/thread.
nToUsers: Number of distinct merited users within the post/thread.
nPosts: Number of merited posts within the thread (in accordance to applied filters).
https://public.tableau.com/views/BitcointalkMeritDashboard/MostMeritedPostsThreads?:display_count=y&:origin=viz_share_linkOutput examples:
a) Most Merited (by me) threads and post:
The largest amount of sMerits I have awarded to a single post (until this week, where I merited some of the top recurrent threads) is 7.
The thread I have merited most is the 10th Anniversary art contest, where I awarded 334 sMerits to 168 different users and on 224 distinct posts.
b) Posts and Threads on which I sent most merit on the Spanish Local board:
The post section shows that I’ve awarded a maximum of 4 sMerits thrice on my local board.
The thread section shows that I’ve awarded 31 merits to a Coronavirus topic, to 10 different users within the thread, and totalling 28 different merited (by me) posts.
The second thread I’ve awarded most merits there is on a topic about the low activity on the Spanish Local board, having awarded 21 sMerits to 17 different users for 19 different posts.
Likewise, filtering by ToUserName (rather than FromUserName) will display those threads and posts where one has been most merited on.