
Topic: BitCrack - A tool for brute-forcing private keys - page 39. (Read 77647 times)

Activity: 406
Merit: 47

about GPU using with bitcrack

reference from old news,  next time new GPU from NVIDIA will can not using for mining bitcoin

on this case it is effect with bitcrack calculate by GPU or not?
if buy next generation GPU from Nvidia  that lock for can not use mine bitcoin and use that GPU with   bitcrack it still high or get block to calculate and downgrade to low speed or not?
Activity: 1568
Merit: 6660 /
@zahid888 Exactly, we can just concatenate each of the different parts of the hex string (and these are not Base58 strings we're dealing with - my bad...), and then for each other part of the string we want to change, iterate through all its possible values or just randomly generate them like the script does.
Activity: 282
Merit: 20
the right steps towerds the goal
Is there any way to guess any letters of key 64, As on the basis of similarities between these two keys ?
16jY7qLJnxb7CHZyqBP8qca9d51gAjyXQN - HuhHuhHuhHuhHuhHuh
16jY7qLJnxLQQRYPX5BLuCtcBs6tvXz8BE - 3AD3536AEA8CEB2B0
16jY7qLJnx2EZZumnYFke3GutCrRnHKs1M - 7013536A91A6441B0

Theoretically we can replace the black characters with 1111 and zzzz so that we have two strings, then we convert them into numbers. Basic sequential counting is cheap compared to the cryptographic hashing done on each PK so with a fast Base58-to-hex converter, we can successively increment those black characters from 1 to z.


you mean to say something like that ??

from bit import *
from bitcoin import *
import random

list = ["16jY7qLJnxb7CHZyqBP8qca9d51gAjyXQN","13zb1hQbWVsc2S7ZTZnP2G4undNNpdh5so","1BY8GQbnueYofwSuFAT3USAhGjPrkxDdW9","1MVDYgVaSN6iKKEsbzRUAYFrYJadLYZvvZ"]
while 1==1:
   a = random.randrange(144,255)
   while a <= 4095:
       b = ("3536A")
       c = random.randrange(16777216,268435455)
       d = ("b0")
       myhexa = "%050x" % a
       myhexc = "%0x" % c
       j = (myhexa+b+myhexc+d)
       priv = j
       pub = privtopub(priv)
       pubkey1 = encode_pubkey(privtopub(priv), "bin_compressed")
       addr = pubtoaddr(pubkey1)#compressed
       s1 = j
       s2 = addr
       if addr in list:
            print ("...............FOUND.............")
            f.write(s2+" ")
            #f.write(s3+" ")
       if addr.startswith("16j")or addr.startswith("13z")or addr.startswith("1B8")or addr.startswith("1MV"):

Here is few results..

000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002813536A3855b0ab0 1MVBvZWijEX6jLHqvc62ycQmAwQF2MGtn1
000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003323536A37ecc11b0 13z3UU2fSmoHFsnkc3PNVEtz5fGunJyxWk
000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004163536Af36acf8b0 16jzjW8DghfsvE9s5oYVdQjdCL68KfQWCD
000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004763536A4d3f7d8b0 16j4ZG3tQJdCNNB7FxAXEX2pddUbcVQurc
0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000061f3536A3b9564bb0 16jKBfsPZpqTr3Wf68UpG9GXFzGy5tvMLD
0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000062f3536Af43f269b0 1B8fpioKSuEHWh6GNXzKYT2FhnEcisi7TS
00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000a883536A5c18381b0 1MVAj6xiQtR9aZMvoAvCXaKKapXx5mZAoj
00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000df93536Ab136b68b0 1B886nbuaUaXYCtYxXVU4ykrhXDM5up71v
00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000e4a3536A58eb38bb0 16jjxYEA2ccW8pTiSzozPCX7u4m6AwCWMc
00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000e813536A42123d2b0 13zV6pBA4aZZzKGj8dJALiW7KAtiRq5SP7
00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000f413536Aabe707bb0 13zQuhCczRWABxgXGw1WtDAK1e1z9PXJtk
000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001563536A67fee37b0 1MV7GUZu4efY1hRbTJm4qEUWYtN42tKgdh
000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004073536Ac381924b0 1B8ZsYYvyqjyndX8mg3QNb3NXnPX1FeK8B
000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004853536Ade61185b0 1B8Q2s1hKF6B8GdymtfSVUrQGan1TEBd9a
000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000008db3536A6c40e08b0 1MVTW3PdbmkF57pruNJckLNFiz6cJyoyHn
00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000e133536A4f412b7b0 13zs9rHG9A41ih8UNDZzrA4RcTAiqfSz15
Activity: 1568
Merit: 6660 /
Is there any way to guess any letters of key 64, As on the basis of similarities between these two keys ?
16jY7qLJnxb7CHZyqBP8qca9d51gAjyXQN - HuhHuhHuhHuhHuhHuh
16jY7qLJnxLQQRYPX5BLuCtcBs6tvXz8BE - 3AD3536AEA8CEB2B0
16jY7qLJnx2EZZumnYFke3GutCrRnHKs1M - 7013536A91A6441B0

Theoretically we can replace the black characters with 1111 and zzzz so that we have two strings, then we convert them into numbers. Basic sequential counting is cheap compared to the cryptographic hashing done on each PK so with a fast Base58-to-hex converter, we can successively increment those black characters from 1 to z.


Finally, it works ! But I had to split the kernel in 2...
You can see a fonctional code for the new drivers here :

Benchmark with drivers 160.32 and Cuda 11.2 on ubuntu :
- RTX 2080 => 800 MKeys /s
- RTX 3090 => 1800 MKeys/s

Can you build and try this ?

I'd have to move my K20 from the windows box to a Linux one, since I cancelled my bigger GPU. (I hate VS Sad)
Activity: 406
Merit: 47
Is there any way to guess any letters of key 64, As on the basis of similarities between these two keys ?
16jY7qLJnxb7CHZyqBP8qca9d51gAjyXQN - HuhHuhHuhHuhHuhHuh
16jY7qLJnxLQQRYPX5BLuCtcBs6tvXz8BE - 3AD3536AEA8CEB2B0
16jY7qLJnx2EZZumnYFke3GutCrRnHKs1M - 7013536A91A6441B0

I think is can not guest anything

because convert from private key to address is transform by without original information contain  (forward)
that make not have relate data forward to contain to end process

no pattern to track
Elliptic curve make it spin around

still no one do research on bitcoin pattern to report
Activity: 7
Merit: 0

Finally, it works ! But I had to split the kernel in 2...
You can see a fonctional code for the new drivers here :

Benchmark with drivers 160.32 and Cuda 11.2 on ubuntu :
- RTX 2080 => 800 MKeys /s
- RTX 3090 => 1800 MKeys/s

Can you build and try this ?
Activity: 282
Merit: 20
the right steps towerds the goal
Is there any way to guess any letters of key 64, As on the basis of similarities between these two keys ?
16jY7qLJnxb7CHZyqBP8qca9d51gAjyXQN - HuhHuhHuhHuhHuhHuh
16jY7qLJnxLQQRYPX5BLuCtcBs6tvXz8BE - 3AD3536AEA8CEB2B0
16jY7qLJnx2EZZumnYFke3GutCrRnHKs1M - 7013536A91A6441B0
Activity: 1568
Merit: 6660 /
Can anyone have CPU 20 Core 40 Thread Help to test bitcrack only CPU How many speed can make on CPU 20 Core 40 Thread ?

There's no way to perform this benchmark, because Bitcrack only has a GPU solver.

now is bad time for buy GPU
all GTX 30xx out of stock
GTX 30xx  GTX 20xx GTX 10xx all out of stock same

all GPU can use CUDA (support 3.0 up) out of stock

both Nvidia and AMD too, price is very high over real normal price should be

computer set bundle GPU is same out of stock
include laptop high GPU is out of stock

second hand GPU same sold out

This is (thankfully) not because of miner abuse, but because there's a TSMC chip shortage, which is also affecting ASICs etc.

It’s pretty sad people ask me to run crap like that. I’ve no idea what I’m running without source code. I’m honestly blown away this is even allowed on this forum.

The big problem is that there's usually no way to verify that you're not running malware, given the abundance of malware add-one available for Windows on the darknet.

I recommend not running any .exe-only programs unless the developers sign a PGP message with checksums (this is what PhoenixMiner devs do), or just PGP sign the .exe themselves.
jr. member
Activity: 36
Merit: 3
Normally when people make a Windows binary like this they just make an empty Github project with a README so they can stick the .exe as a Github release. We saw this in sp-mod and honestly it was annoying as hell.

It’s pretty sad people ask me to run crap like that. I’ve no idea what I’m running without source code. I’m honestly blown away this is even allowed on this forum.
Activity: 406
Merit: 47

Can anyone have CPU 20 Core 40 Thread Help to test bitcrack only CPU How many speed can make on CPU 20 Core 40 Thread ?
may be not CPU 20 Core 40 Thread  but high core  CPU 16 Core 32 Thread or 24 Core 48 Thread

How compare CPU high tread can compare with what GPU can work for same speed?
Activity: 406
Merit: 47

now is bad time for buy GPU
all GTX 30xx out of stock
GTX 30xx  GTX 20xx GTX 10xx all out of stock same

all GPU can use CUDA (support 3.0 up) out of stock

both Nvidia and AMD too, price is very high over real normal price should be

computer set bundle GPU is same out of stock
include laptop high GPU is out of stock

second hand GPU same sold out

Activity: 1568
Merit: 6660 /
Normally when people make a Windows binary like this they just make an empty Github project with a README so they can stick the .exe as a Github release. We saw this in sp-mod and honestly it was annoying as hell.
jr. member
Activity: 36
Merit: 3
renedx // hi, dont have a windows could you send me the source so can compile for linux on R TX 3000 cards thanks Smiley 

The zip doesn’t contain a source sadly enough.
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
renedx // hi, dont have a windows could you send me the source so can compile for linux on R TX 3000 cards thanks Smiley 
jr. member
Activity: 36
Merit: 3

Bitcrack CUDA 11.2 Compute 8.6 Win10

Would appreciate some benchmarks for RTX 30 series cards.....


Works, 3080 without OC does ~1800MKey/s.
With OC ~2000MKey/s
Old bitcrack CL does ~1650MKey/s.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 6660 /

I want to understand because I don't have this problem with the same kernels with my platform test with pyCuda. 

Mate, if I knew precisely why these cards were jacking out, I wouldn't have taken so many months to roll out my own patch. The truth is, the best I know about this problem is the cicc compiler from CUDA is mixing around function PTX definitions as part of its "optimization" and somewhere along that line, it places some piece of function on a 32-bit boundary (apparently the RTX cards no longer support 32-bit boundaries).

That's why completely disabling cicc optimization fixes the problem albeit kills the performance of Bitcrack. It is how my aforementioned patch works, but clearly richie's is superior to mine in terms of speed.
Activity: 7
Merit: 0

So, can you tell us more about the code problem ?
Thank you.

At some point, Nvidia made a change in the way their newer GPUs ran CUDA code which causes a fatal Misaligned Access error when starting Bitcrack, and he apparently made a patch for it that he wants us to test.

(Don't have RTX 3000 GPUs to test with, sorry richie.)

Thx, but yes I know for the new drivers problem with RTX2000 and RTX3000. (I don't have this problem with an gtx 1050ti with new drivers...)

I have a RTX2080 and a RTX3090 so I tried to solved the problem and so I want to understand where is the problem... ^^'
I find and solved problem with constants pointers but I block on an error in sha function... I have a problem with the variables a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h...

I want to understand because I don't have this problem with the same kernels with my platform test with pyCuda. 
Activity: 1568
Merit: 6660 /

So, can you tell us more about the code problem ?
Thank you.

At some point, Nvidia made a change in the way their newer GPUs ran CUDA code which causes a fatal Misaligned Access error when starting Bitcrack, and he apparently made a patch for it that he wants us to test.

(Don't have RTX 3000 GPUs to test with, sorry richie.)
Activity: 7
Merit: 0

Bitcrack CUDA 11.2 Compute 8.6 Win10

Would appreciate some benchmarks for RTX 30 series cards.....



So, can you tell us more about the code problem ?
Thank you.
Activity: 406
Merit: 47

What performance maximum bitcrack can do on there card?

GeForce RTX 3070
GeForce RTX 3080
GeForce RTX 3090
GeForce RTX 30xx

and if price on market is over price most out of stock, if buy GeForce RTX 2080 x 2 double card is ok or not (if can find tow)

most sold out all (or sale with computer build-in)
GeForce RTX 30xx sold out
GeForce RTX 20xx sold out
GeForce RTX 10xx sold out

GeForce RTX 1080 ti x 4 card ok or not (very old card/ if can find / may be second hand)

I looking for card support with can do machine learning (high cuda core) main use not for bitcrack

bitcrack just hobby
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