It's not about how many you can run on one machine, Windows 10 is extremely bad at preserving uptime.
Say sp_ does add the code for pooling Bitcrack one day (though I doubt it), if somebody fires up a cluster of say 100 Windows boxes with 18 GPUs in each, its only a matter of time before Windows restarts itself for an automatic update.
And just like that, you lose hashing power without even being aware of it. To negate this, you must either 1) Buy Windows server on all those boxes (you see, you can't just run it unlicensed because after 6 months of running like that they will start powering themselves off automatically per anti-piracy measures) and make Group Policy halt all the updates, and this already puts you at a net loss because Windows Server already costs a couple hundred per key.
Or 2) you pay for some third party monitoring software that alerts you if a box restarts, which also puts you at a net loss before you even started the search.
Meanwhile, in VS2019 land...
These CUDA and OpenCL include directories are becoming a real problem to deal with, I'll see if there's any way to abstract them in the solution properties (and not in the project properties or I will have to do this 18 times).