good evening to all enthusiasts.
I found many versions and modifications of this project. In addition to the original branch from the respected brichard19, I found a branch with a random search. Should I use it? the better or worse it is.
in the original branch, everything is simple (start + step + step + N step)
random points are generated in the branch. but I don’t understand after the generation, the search proceeds further by random choice or also (random point + step + step + N step)
Are you talking about the points being chosen by an RNG? I am not totally sure how long does the process of generating random numbers takes because I haven't measured it, but I'd say it could take a noticeable percentage of the time it takes to check a private key.
I still feel like pregenerating a bunch of keyspace ranges beforehand and passing those to bitcrack serially is a better approach at randomization than generating a random number 2^X times per second (X is an arbitrary number proportional to the speed of your GPU).
Anyway it would be nice if you linked that version of Bitcrack you're talking about so we can take a look at it's commit history to see what it changed.
He is probably talking about Pica's version with random feature. Many say it had some bugs in it. I neve used it.
My version generates millions of random starting points, in the bit range you desire, and then counts sequentially, from each of those random starting points. So if you only want to look in the 8F00000000000000 range, it will generate millions of starting points all starting with 8F, and then compute sequentially. It doesn't take long to generate the points, no longer than generating Kangaroos. It's fast at finding keys in any 2^48 range, but above that, It's better to just search sequentially starting with one key. IMO. So if we took #64 puzzle, and assigned people the front 2^16 range, example 8F00, and another person 8F01, and another person 8F02, etc. all the way to 8FFF, then we only need 256 people to check the 8F range quickly. Now, once that range is done, start with another one like 80, 81, 82, 83, C0, C1, etc.
Who's in?! lol
Yes that's right.
I am currently using version (Pica's) based on the above, when finding (example) 30m points, I would like to have a random search within the range between the points. I think this will speed up the search.
and it also gives a chance for people with slow and old cards to play this game. as fast cards go through consistently much faster and we have no chance.