the program no longer works. I double click on the bitcrack64 file but the program closes. I have an old gtx 1050ti that is gathering dust. I would like to reuse it.
I also can't run cudaInfo.exe. This program is not compatible with other cryptocurrencies. It would be interesting to test the security of many other algorithms. I would like to try btx coin or monero
Please post any error messages that appear in the output of the BitCrack and CudaInfo programs.
Regarding cracking private keys of altcoin addresses, this is not possible because most of them have a different private key format than bitcoin addresses.
If the error is related to Nvidia drivers then the the issue is the binaries were compiled with an older compute capability inside NVCC, which means that you need to get CUDA toolkit and compile bitcrack yourself. You might also have to remove any references to COMPUTE_CAP as I said in my previous quote.
NVCCFLAGS=-std=c++11 -gencode=arch=compute_${COMPUTE_CAP},code=\"sm_${COMPUTE_CAP}\" -Xptxas="-v" -Xcompiler "${CXXFLAGS}"
All references to COMPUTE_CAP have to be deleted.
The above applies to the Linux version but you should look inside the .vcxproj files to see if there is one for Windows too.