Can someone throw off the working version of pikachunakapika / bitcrack??? I searched the Internet and cannot find anywhere. need a random function. on deleted. Please friends help.
Your best bet is to create a batch file that does the random for you. The random function in the version you are speaking about is slower because it takes more time to regen the randomness than to just go in sequential order. A batch function lets you jump in and out of ranges randomly. I have python script that writes batch script with random ranges. You can select the low and high of the range for example:
Low: 8B00000
So the script will randomly generate a start and end range inside of that range. Or, use the --share option for "randomness"
Share the script. Itself could not write as it should.
Here is the python script (I run python 2.7 on Windows):
# Randomizer for BitCrack
# Amateur Coding by the Wandering Philosopher
import os
import random
from datetime import datetime
arq1 = open('RandomBitCrack.bat', 'w')
y = ("FFFFF")
Y1 = int(y, 16)
arq1.write(":while1" + '\n')
for x in range(20):
low = 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ED00000000000000
high = 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000EDFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
blah1 = random.randrange(low, high)
blah = str( hex( random.randrange( low, high ) ) ).rstrip("L").replace("0x", "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000")
eazy = hex(blah1 + Y1).rstrip("L").lstrip("0x")
arq1.write("start cb1 -d 1 -b 64 -t 256 -p 256 --keyspace " + hex(blah1).rstrip("L").lstrip("0x") +":" + eazy + " -i 64.txt -o FOUNDTHEPRIVATEKEY.txt" + '\n' + "timeout /t 6 /nobreak" + '\n' + "taskkill /im cb1.exe /f" + '\n' + "timeout /t 1 /nobreak" + '\n')
Batch file produced:
start cb1 -d 1 -b 64 -t 256 -p 256 --keyspace ed5f9f957a417cae:ed5f9f957a517cad -i 64.txt -o FOUNDTHEPRIVATEKEY.txt
timeout /t 6 /nobreak
taskkill /im cb1.exe /f
timeout /t 1 /nobreak
start cb1 -d 1 -b 64 -t 256 -p 256 --keyspace ed5ce1cdf696c89f:ed5ce1cdf6a6c89e -i 64.txt -o FOUNDTHEPRIVATEKEY.txt
timeout /t 6 /nobreak
taskkill /im cb1.exe /f
timeout /t 1 /nobreak
start cb1 -d 1 -b 64 -t 256 -p 256 --keyspace ede87bf0498ffc93:ede87bf0499ffc92 -i 64.txt -o FOUNDTHEPRIVATEKEY.txt
timeout /t 6 /nobreak
taskkill /im cb1.exe /f
timeout /t 1 /nobreak
start cb1 -d 1 -b 64 -t 256 -p 256 --keyspace ed4482d8f1e25b9e:ed4482d8f1f25b9d -i 64.txt -o FOUNDTHEPRIVATEKEY.txt
timeout /t 6 /nobreak
taskkill /im cb1.exe /f
timeout /t 1 /nobreak
start cb1 -d 1 -b 64 -t 256 -p 256 --keyspace edbd36f37234898c:edbd36f37244898b -i 64.txt -o FOUNDTHEPRIVATEKEY.txt
timeout /t 6 /nobreak
taskkill /im cb1.exe /f
timeout /t 1 /nobreak
start cb1 -d 1 -b 64 -t 256 -p 256 --keyspace ed8511d049941d6f:ed8511d049a41d6e -i 64.txt -o FOUNDTHEPRIVATEKEY.txt
timeout /t 6 /nobreak
taskkill /im cb1.exe /f
timeout /t 1 /nobreak
start cb1 -d 1 -b 64 -t 256 -p 256 --keyspace ed5f9b5cd289b8ef:ed5f9b5cd299b8ee -i 64.txt -o FOUNDTHEPRIVATEKEY.txt
timeout /t 6 /nobreak
taskkill /im cb1.exe /f
timeout /t 1 /nobreak
start cb1 -d 1 -b 64 -t 256 -p 256 --keyspace ed8a07e85d77b716:ed8a07e85d87b715 -i 64.txt -o FOUNDTHEPRIVATEKEY.txt
timeout /t 6 /nobreak
taskkill /im cb1.exe /f
timeout /t 1 /nobreak
start cb1 -d 1 -b 64 -t 256 -p 256 --keyspace ed91263ac5f6d2ca:ed91263ac606d2c9 -i 64.txt -o FOUNDTHEPRIVATEKEY.txt
timeout /t 6 /nobreak
taskkill /im cb1.exe /f
timeout /t 1 /nobreak
start cb1 -d 1 -b 64 -t 256 -p 256 --keyspace ed1d4a9023dd6bfb:ed1d4a9023ed6bfa -i 64.txt -o FOUNDTHEPRIVATEKEY.txt
timeout /t 6 /nobreak
taskkill /im cb1.exe /f
timeout /t 1 /nobreak
start cb1 -d 1 -b 64 -t 256 -p 256 --keyspace ed72d72cee1da3ca:ed72d72cee2da3c9 -i 64.txt -o FOUNDTHEPRIVATEKEY.txt
timeout /t 6 /nobreak
taskkill /im cb1.exe /f
timeout /t 1 /nobreak
start cb1 -d 1 -b 64 -t 256 -p 256 --keyspace ed1b50d6fc437042:ed1b50d6fc537041 -i 64.txt -o FOUNDTHEPRIVATEKEY.txt
timeout /t 6 /nobreak
taskkill /im cb1.exe /f
timeout /t 1 /nobreak
start cb1 -d 1 -b 64 -t 256 -p 256 --keyspace ed71ac3573476040:ed71ac357357603f -i 64.txt -o FOUNDTHEPRIVATEKEY.txt
timeout /t 6 /nobreak
taskkill /im cb1.exe /f
timeout /t 1 /nobreak
start cb1 -d 1 -b 64 -t 256 -p 256 --keyspace ed2ac546cac9806e:ed2ac546cad9806d -i 64.txt -o FOUNDTHEPRIVATEKEY.txt
timeout /t 6 /nobreak
taskkill /im cb1.exe /f
timeout /t 1 /nobreak
start cb1 -d 1 -b 64 -t 256 -p 256 --keyspace eddf6d5744433345:eddf6d5744533344 -i 64.txt -o FOUNDTHEPRIVATEKEY.txt
timeout /t 6 /nobreak
taskkill /im cb1.exe /f
timeout /t 1 /nobreak
start cb1 -d 1 -b 64 -t 256 -p 256 --keyspace edb5ca5f89c2c400:edb5ca5f89d2c3ff -i 64.txt -o FOUNDTHEPRIVATEKEY.txt
timeout /t 6 /nobreak
taskkill /im cb1.exe /f
timeout /t 1 /nobreak
start cb1 -d 1 -b 64 -t 256 -p 256 --keyspace edbaa4935a4fda3e:edbaa4935a5fda3d -i 64.txt -o FOUNDTHEPRIVATEKEY.txt
timeout /t 6 /nobreak
taskkill /im cb1.exe /f
timeout /t 1 /nobreak
start cb1 -d 1 -b 64 -t 256 -p 256 --keyspace edbe2cbe32f92f56:edbe2cbe33092f55 -i 64.txt -o FOUNDTHEPRIVATEKEY.txt
timeout /t 6 /nobreak
taskkill /im cb1.exe /f
timeout /t 1 /nobreak
start cb1 -d 1 -b 64 -t 256 -p 256 --keyspace ede9ad4e751e6975:ede9ad4e752e6974 -i 64.txt -o FOUNDTHEPRIVATEKEY.txt
timeout /t 6 /nobreak
taskkill /im cb1.exe /f
timeout /t 1 /nobreak
start cb1 -d 1 -b 64 -t 256 -p 256 --keyspace ed7484d8f9fb1ee7:ed7484d8fa0b1ee6 -i 64.txt -o FOUNDTHEPRIVATEKEY.txt
timeout /t 6 /nobreak
taskkill /im cb1.exe /f
timeout /t 1 /nobreak
If you want to produce more than 20 random ranges, adjust the "for x in range(20):" in the code for however many you want. I normally run 1000.
If your bitcrack .exe file is named something else (which it probably is) change the "cb1" in both spots to the name of your bitcrack .exe file.
If your device number is something different, change it from -d 1 to whatever yours is, example -d 0.
You can adjust the time the script runs in each range by changing the "timeout /t 6 /nobreak" example, if you want each range to be searched for 60 seconds, change it to "timeout /t 60 /nobreak".
If you want to have different gpu settings other than "-b 64 -t 256 -p 256" adjust them.
If your input file is named something else besides "64.txt" change it to whatever your input file is (input file of what addresses you are searching for).
If you want your output file to be something other than "FOUNDTHEPRIVATEKEY.txt" change it to your desired output name.
Once you've made any changes, run the python script and it will automatically generate the batch file. Place the batch file inside your bitcrack folder, with the bitcrack.exe file, and your input file, and let it rip.
It's nothing fancy, just a low down and dirty python script that allows me to search random ranges without modifying/hacking the code inside bitcrack code and slowing it down any.
Edit: one last thing, I have it set up to randomly generate a range of "FFFFF", change that if you want a larger or smaller range. Change the "y = ("FFFFF")" option. I chose that range b/c my GPU can get through that range within the 6 seconds.